"I have questions"

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Lauren POV
As I was getting wheeled out of the school on the stecher, I heard gasp, cries and "what's going on"?
I opened my eyes once we got in the ambulance and saw Officer Cabello and Normani. I felt a hand on my left arm to be a comforting manner and looked toward it to see it was the officers hand. After I saw the mysterious hand I then proceeded to lay back down again.
All I felt was pain....pain in my face, in my body, in the inside of my body. PAIN. I felt it like no other.
All of a sudden I start coughing and my pressure drops and I can't breathe. "STEP ON THE GAS" I heard. I keep coughing and I was getting scared because I was coughing up blood and I couldn't breathe from how much was in my throat. I felt like I was drowning but with no water but in my own blood. All I tasted was copper. And then everything went black.

Normani POV
Everything was fine one minute, and the next my best friend is coughing up blood and struggling to breathe. I can't comprehend what is happening.

I am in an ambulance with a police officer, with my best friend horribly beaten and on the edge of life. My head snapped up when I hear a long beep sound, and the line go flat on the BP machine.
My only thought was no rhythm, no beat, no breath. In that moment I thought I lost my best friend, my sister soul, my person.
The paramedic looked at me and said "I'm sorry that you'll have to see this". She spoke in a monotoned voice.
They shocked her 2 times, did compressions for 8 minutes, hell even intibated her and put her on the portible ventilator. She was gone for 10 minutes until the EMT did the last option. The EMT got on top of Lauren, swung her fist up and slammed it back down on her chest with a brute ton of force, even Laurens limp body jumped from the force of the hit to her chest.
Crickets for 7 seconds, then the EMT shouted "she's back...sinus rhythm!"
We pulled up at the hospital right after she said that. The ambulance stopped, the doors opened to reveal...3 doctors, 8 nurses and 2 surgeons. "22 year old woman, badly beaten by her boyfriend at the college. She coded in the ambo for 10 minutes. I did compressions and shocked her twice". The EMT said to the staff that was waiting there for us.
I climbed out of the ambulance behind the officer which kindly offered me her hand as a way to help me down the off the ambulance which I greatly appreciated.
All to do now was wait to see if I would ever get to see my best friend again.

*7 hours later*
Lauren POV

When I came to, I opened my eyes slowly. I looked around when my vision became more clear and I could make out where I was. I turned my head to see Normani and an unfamiliar person, when it clicked I remembered everything. Tyrone coming into my classroom, him beating me, seeing the officer, the ambulance then I can't remember anything after I got in the ambulance. It was like I wasn't even there I was just blank. Like one second I was in the ambulance and then the next minute I'm in the hospital. 
I am so confused I decide to speak my thoughts. "What happened, I can't remember what happened after I started coughing?"
I see officer Cabello and Normani look at each other, to sort of contemplate who's gonna tell me what happened.
Officer Cabello steps up next to my bed and takes my hand in hers, looks into my eyes and takes a breath.
"As you were coughing. Your eyes rolled back into your head and your uh.. BP flat lined and you were gone for about 10 minutes." Officer Cabello said very softly. "What?" I said in shock, then I let a few tears slip because I really couldn't stop them.
All I heard was the guard rail on the side of my bed go down and warm comforting, strong arms around me. I cried lightly into their shoulder, ultimately wetting their shirt with my tears. They calmed me down after a few minutes. My cries slowly turned into sniffles.

All of a sudden I ask "why are you here officer Cabello?" She looks at me and sighs "I have questions for you so we can put this beating, son of a bitch away in prison for good". I look at her and smile and nod softly because she was so cute and hot getting worked up the way she did.

"First question, how long has this been happening" she says after along pause I raise three fingers. "About a year and a half ". I say sadly. I start thinking about what I have. What I had gone through in the past year  years, at this point a punch to the arm would be a pity punch.
"What all has Tyrone done to you in the three years you all were together". Officer Cabello says stern but softly. I sigh heavily and start speaking "well the first year was good he was the best boyfriend ever.....he was what every girl or boy wanted. After our one year anniversary it was like a switch flipped, he started getting really angry out of no where. If I didn't do whatever he said or if I didn't do it right I would get my "punishment" so I could do it better, spoiler alert it didn't work. Shortly after that the beatings got worse and recently um.....he started to uh sexually do it as well I tried to stop him but he is so much bigger than me that it was impossible". I finished speaking after about five minutes of explaining.
Officer Cabello gets out her note book after I get done explaining. It looks like she's taking notes, but I don't know why she does it after but she did. "Officer Cabello....why are you just now taking notes rather than while I was talking". She doesn't look like acknowledged me because she didn't move as I spoke my question. "Well the reason why I don't write while your talking is because, I like to pay attention and really sink in all the words and I feel like you can't do that if you are writing at the same time". The officer says as she looks up from her book and puts it away along with her pen.
She looks at my face like she's studying me. I look at her just the same.
As I'm looking at her I notice how beautiful she actually is. She is gorgeous. She has a cute botton nose, perfectly sculpted eyebrows and eyes that can tell you the world, they hold so much emotion in that beautiful shade of brown. If your wondering I have always known I wasn't straight, I have always admired women, and men. But now I'm not so sure about guys.

She breaks the eye contact after a minute and sits back in her chair like she is going to be staying there for a while. "Aren't you going to leave" I ask confused. She simply shakes her head no and I nod but still not understanding completely. "Wait but why" I ask still confused "well Ms. Jauregui I'm not leaving because I was assigned to this case and I'm also worried about you because you crazy ass ex boyfriend might still be out roaming the streets so your stuck with me until further notice....sorry not sorry" she said seriously but with a hint of joking in it.
"Alright well what you like to do." I ask and the officer chuckles.
"Whatever you want I'm here to make sure your safe and comfortable". The officer spoke jokingly. I giggled a little bit.
I thought this couldn't be that bad.

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