"Ms, are you okay"

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Lauren *POV*
I had went to sleep after I took my shower because my body had gone through so much in just a few hours that I was home.

I heard my alarm going off, I groaned and turned it off. I got out of bed and saw Ty laying there fast asleep and I took the time that I had to pick out my outfit for the day, which was a white blouse and black lose fitting slacks, with some black stiletto type heels.
After I got dressed I plugged my curling iron in and while I waited for it to heat up, I started to do my makeup to cover up the bruises on my face from the nights before although my nose was still swollen it wasnt going to be to hard to makeup a lie about it though.
I put on foundation, concealer, a bit of powder, black eyeliner, mascara, and some deep red lipstick, to top it all off.
I felt really good about myself today but as soon as I thought that, I hear a groan coming from the bedroom and see Ty coming into the bathroom. He looks me up and down like a piece of meat and growls out. "What are you wearing and WHERE IS MY GOD DAMN BREAKFAST!" Ty says and when he starts yelling I get really scared. "Ty I'm sorry but I have to be at the school early today and I needed to get ready" I say very nervously. This only seems to piss him off more as he grabs the first thing he sees which happens to be my curling iron since I was sitting there as I was about to use it to curl my hair for the day. The iron itself was very hot, Ty grabbed it and swung. I managed to move my face out of the way but my hair caught it and it burned straight off from the contact.
I looked down at the floor and saw 5 inches of hair laying there. I looked up at him and started crying, I loved the length my hair and 5 inches of it got burned off because he was upset.
Ty just left the bathroom. While I was sitting on the bathroom floor trying to compose myslef I called my boss at the school and told him I needed half the day off for an appointment.
After I called my boss, I called my hair salon and asked if they had an opening for today. They told me yes and to come in right away.

"Ty I'm leaving to go get my hair done" I told him just so he wouldn't get mad at me for not telling him later. "Wait" Ty said. He came up to me dressed and ready "I'm going with you just to make sure you won't try anything" Ty said to me like I was an idiot. "Alright are you going to drop me off and pick me up later then" I said with a little attitude still upset about my hair. He slapped me across the face and said "don't talk to me like that ever again" he said lowly. I walked out of the house and I got in Ty's GMC truck and he drove us to the solan.
Once we got to the solan they took my right back and the hair dresser ask me "omg Lauren what happened". I looked over at Ty and he gave me a look that said don't go there. So I simply stated "I dropped my brush while curling my hair and when I bent down to pick it up I hit the curling iron and it fell on my hair".
She looked at me suspiciously and then looked at Ty then back to me. "So what are we looking to get done today" she ask me. I thought about something that I've always wanted to do to my hair, "hmm, well I want to cut it all even and make sure the burnt edges are all cut off...then I want to die my hair jet black". I said confidently and super excited about what I wanted. She looked at me and nodded impressed and got to cutting my hair to make it look good. While she was cutting my hair she started up a conversation with Ty and while he looked super uninterested, he kept the conversation going while keeping his eyes on me every so often.
After she had got done cutting my hair she announced she was going back to get my color mixed up. As she walked away Ty grabbed my arm hard and whispered harshly in my ear "you almost got us caught and you decided to go black, you are so in for it once you get home tonight". I just nodded and looked away fearfully at his words and harsh voice.
The stylist returned and she noticed my fearful state and ask me, "Ms. are you okay". Her voice startled me out of what I was beginning to think about, as she said that I decided just kept to a simple nod and she continued. "Well after I get this applied we're going to leave it on for about 20 minutes and then I'll wash it out, style it and then you are free to go". I nodded and let her do her job while I sat there patiently and snuck glances at Ty and he looked friendly and nice but under the mask all I could see was rage and anger.
While the stylist continued working I started thinking what I could do to get out of this toxic relationship. Can I run to the police and have them help me, could I run away to my parents, I could tell my friend Normani. The ideas were endless but non of them were achievable.
I jumped out of my thoughts when I heard the timer going off. The stylist walked back over "alright time to get you rinsed", I nodded and walked over to the washing bowl with her while Ty stayed back.
While we were at the shampoo bowl she started speaking "so what really happened to your hair?". I looked at her in disbelief and shock "w-what do y-you m-m-ean"? I ask nervously at she just looked at me. "Look....I work with people all day I can read people easily it's part of my job and I know that was a fake story you gave me." She spoke softly, I just sighed and looked at her, "I would love to tell you the truth about everything, but it's more complicated than that." I spoke nervously that I might have said too much and Ty could hear me.
"Well that's all I wanted to know and your hair is done". I nodded, and she walked me back to her station to blowdry and style it.
After she got done styling it, I instantly fell in love with how my hair looked and felt, I loved the black and the short hair cut on me was just the right length. I saw Ty drooling over me through the mirror reflection. I felt Ty's hands on my hips and I jumped a little as he pressed his right thumb to a bruise that was there. I heard him start whispering in my ear "your lucky you look so hot right now, you might just get a good night". I nodded and didn't make direct eye contact.
As we were leaving I thanked the stylist and we were off and on our way to the college so I could start working.
We got in Ty's truck and he started to make his way to the college I work at, he started speaking to me in his usual harsh voice "if you ever pull a stunt like that again..it won't be pretty". He said intimidatingly as well adding a glare to get his point across. "What stunt?" I ask while looking at the side of his face. I actually didn't know what he was talking about. He said he liked my hair. "What do you mean...what stunt, you choosing to dye your hair without consulting me first. Your lucky you look hot" he said raising his voice. My eyes started to burn with tears, I held them back because Ty can't know that he got to me. It'll just cause more trouble because he'll think I'm weak.
I finally saw the college come into view as Ty pulled into the parking lot. Once he was parked I started to open the door, when Ty pulled me back into a rough kiss. "I love you" he said after the kiss broke.
I just got out of the truck and slammed the door shut behind me, not wanting to hear the bullshit he said to me.

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