FERAL: chapter four

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Difficult was an understatement when it came to trying to get my mate home

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Difficult was an understatement when it came to trying to get my mate home.

The problems started with Doctor Glassman. Having known the doctor all my life, when the nurse from earlier told me that he'd be the one to assist me, I thought I'd stuck a gold mind. That, however, proved not to be the case. The cheerful man completely misunderstood me. He had assumed that when I said, "put to sleep" I meant kill. The man, to my horror, wore a smile as he talked about "humane" ways to kill my mate.

I shivered at the thought.

I had to explain to him that wasn't what I wanted. Rather than kill him, I wanted to temporarily knock my mate out. Doctor Glassman's smile fell slightly, but he still agreed to help.

The second issue was getting close enough to knock him out. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't for my mate to fight as if he was possessed by fucking satan himself. The red-eyed wolf fought tooth and nail against Doctor Glassman and me as we tried to administer the necessary drugs. We did succeed in the end, but calling it easy would be the furthest thing from the truth.

The only good thing, though I'm sure Doctor Glassman would say otherwise, was that in the midst of the struggle, we were able to find out that my mate was a boy. How did we figure this out? When he peed on Doctor Glassman.

The final step was to transport him from the hospital and to my house. We had to move quickly so that we didn't wake him up. The last thing I needed to do was give Gray another reason to want to kill my mate.

Moving him turned out not to be as much of a problem as I originally anticipated, though. Doctor Glassman helped me and afterward, he told me that if I needed any more help to call him. However, the lingering memory of him talking about killing my mate made me decide against doing so.

Once the doctor was gone, I sat down and glanced at the sleeping wolf. It was surprising how peaceful he looked in comparison to when I found him in the woods. Hopefully, he stayed this calm when he woke up. The last thing I wanted was for him to immediately start fighting.

I watched him for a few moments longer, resisting the urge to run my fingers through his fur. It was probably for the best anyway. I wasn't sure how long he'd been out in the woods, but he needed a bath.

I made a mental note to give him one once I was given the chance and stood up to head toward the kitchen. I was sure that once he awoke, he'd be hungry.

As I prepared to cook, my thoughts traveled back to Gray and Foster. I hoped that in time they would come around to having my mate here in the pack. Maybe once he calmed down, I could invite them over so they could see the improvement. The three of us had known each other for too long and even if they did annoy me from time to time, I didn't want to lose them. They'd been there when I first shifted when I took over as beta, and when Mom passed away.

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