Chapter 9

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I awoke starving. 

Perhaps is because I had skipped dinner last night that I was exceptionally hungry when I woke up to a once again panicking Rebecca. 

"Rebecca?" I mumbled as I rose, immediately feeling lightheaded from dehydration. Those affiliated with water need to have a constant intake of the stuff to keep functioning properly, and almost sensing that I need it Rebecca handed me a tall glass of water before rushing off to do something else, "Rebecca what's the matter?" 

"Lord Gerris has requested your presence at breakfast," she grabbed one more dress, sighing loudly, "this one will have to do." 

"Why?" I almost choked on my water, the liquid spilling onto the bed but with a quick flick of my fingers the comforter was back to being dry and the liquid dissipating into the air. 

"I-I don't know my lady," Rebecca suddenly came up to me with a warm towel, gently cleaning my face like a mother would, "But be brave, and remember everything Bell told you, okay?" 

"Utensils from outside in, cut everything as small as you possibly can, and eat quietly, right?" I took a deep breath, feeling more nervous than when Howell first challenged me to a duel. 

"And eat only after your father begins," Rebecca added, probably recalling her etiquette classes as  a noble once upon a time ago, "Drink after every 5 bites and only drink a very small mouthful. Start with the juice or tea then move onto water only when you feel necessary." 

I took another deep breath, feeling my legs shake as soon I stepped off the bed. They were still shaking as Rebecca dressed me in my many layers, and even when she escorted me out. 

Breakfast meant eating with the entire family, as per ordered by the Grand Duchess when she was alive. 

Other meals can be eaten with your direct family, but breakfast must be eaten with the entire extended family. 

"We have to see each other once a day," the Grand Duchess said, long before I was born but I think she would've liked me if she was alive. Well, I hope she would've liked me. She would've been the only one. 

Soon I made it to the main building, lead to the dinning hall that I've never even stepped foot in. 

Given I was dressed and walked from the west wing, breakfast was well in play and even I could hear the light and friendly chatter inside. 

I could feel the stares of the servants and knights on the way here and even as they opened the door for me, silence completely overtaking the room as all of them stared at me. 

The Grand Duke Delfone. 

His eldest son Gerris. 

His second son Creed. 

His eldest daughter Nora. 

And their respective significant others. 




And their children, their names are not as known to me as my aunts and uncles, but as I recognize their faces I can match their names. 

My brother Thresh and our precious sister Delphonia. 

Our twin cousins, Jerris and Klerris. 

And our ever so quiet eldest cousin, Norven. 

Scanning around the room, they seem to be analyzing me as deeply as I them. I walked slowly to the only open seat that was beside the Grand Duke as oddly as that was. I thought the Grand Duchess was the only one to occupy that seat, but given that there was a placement there and the only empty seat I guess that is where I sit. 

I could feel the daggers from my relatives, most probably confused why I am even hear. 

"Now let's begin," the Grand Duke said as Bell pulled my chair back, allowing me to sit as he tucked it back in. As Rebecca instructed I waited for him to eat, and picked up my fork as soon as the first bite was in his mouth. 

I was so focused on making sure my etiquette was perfect I couldn't even taste my breakfast, not that it was going to sit well in my stomach. The feeling of hunger was long gone and in it's place was a myriad of butterflies that were not liking the food I was forcing it to have. 

I also didn't even realize my little sister was already devouring her food long before I arrived and the Grand Duke began to eat. She is only 3 years younger than me so she should have started her etiquette classes, but I guess she hasn't really picked up on them. 

Strangely enough no one was correcting her, not even Lady Jenova, our mother, who just seemed to smile with a tint of sadness in her eyes.  

I heard her time was coming from the gossiping of the servants. Her condition was only getting worse and the cure still well out of reach. Though her disease was lost to doctors I believe it is a curse. 

I don't know how she got it or if there is a enchantment for it, but I've been doing my research, and I believe it's the Weeping Death Curse. One of the few that are only passed down through genetics, originated from the underworld. It's believed that one would get it if you were touched by a spirit of the underworld.

There are specific conditions for its development in one's body, conditions I don't know but I suspect Lady Jenova does. Regardless I've been researching a way to cure her, a part of my own side project now that I no longer need a proper education according to Bell. 

I've long graduated in his own words. 

Those affiliated with water are supposed to be great healers, and I've learned I should live up to those stereotypes, not to disappoint even more people.

Lost in my thoughts I forgot that I wasn't that hungry, and my plate was neatly cleaned just like Lady Jenova and Lady Nora. Lady Pharisia was still working on hers, but it was getting to be spotless. 

A lady is not wasteful. 

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