Chapter 15

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My butt was still sore by the end of it, but I kept my complaints to myself as I hauled my luggage to my room. I was rooming with Flontina while we are up here, and seeing how much stuff she brought it was a good thing I packed light. I couldn't even see her bed over the massive wall of luggage she formed. 

Most of it was carried by wind spirits who delivered it before we arrived and it was just dumped into our room. 

"Oh sorry," Flontina waved her staff around, an artificial wind formed in the room and began sorting her luggage neatly. Even opening it and sorting her clothes in the empty drawers. "There, would you like me to do your things too?" 

"No thank you," I lifted my single bag up, "I just have this." 

She looked puzzled for a moment but then just shrugged, kicking off her boots and flopping on the bed, letting out a big sigh. "This is the best part about travelling." She was already just melting into her comforter, looking quite comfortable, "Wake me in 20 when dinner is ready?" 

"Ok," I replied, just putting my luggage on the drawer and began to also put my clothes away. I have an exceptional amount of coats, seeing how Rebecca begged for me to take them so I'd stay warm.  

Slipping off my jacket and putting on a sweater I went out to go to the main part of the building that was the bar/restaurant area as well as the mission request and confirmation desk. There was only a few guildmembers here, seeing how it was the North location and like the North, it's pretty dead up here. 

Shuffling my way down, the stairs were rather comically large and I had to pretty much hop down every step. 

I was feeling a bit thirsty and it was only a few coins for a warm cup of cocoa. I haven't had one in so long, Rebecca made it once for me when I was 4 years old. She's hadn't have the ingredients for a long while, but I've always craved the beverage when it was cold out. And in the North, it's always cold out. 

Stifling my appetite was a Harken who was just sitting at the bar, not really focusing on anything as he sipped a mug that was steaming. Another child was sat 3 seats over, a girl looking about the same age as Harken - maybe a bit older - and kicking her legs back and forth. Her boots making small bump sounds with the wooden bar. There were a few other adventurers scattered in the eatery, munching on their own meals, but they were all adults. 

In other words there are a lot more kids here that I was expecting. Myself included. 

Seeing how my options were limited, I chose to sit myself right in between of the two, both turning to me at the same time and in the exact same moment said. 


I didn't know who to look at first, but the girl was quick to shuffle a seat over and wrap her arms around me. Squeezing me until I felt like I was going to pop, even to the point where I could feel a pendant tucked under her shirt poking me in the neck. 

"Uhh hi," I tried to push her off, but she was most definitely stronger than me, though she seemed to notice my discomfort and released me, shifting her hands to hold both of mine. 

"Right you don't know who I am," she frowned, turning her head to clear her throat then whipping her head back around her brown curls bouncing as she moved and resting just above her shoulders, "I'm Vadallea Birch, 13 years old, affiliated with wind, and was the youngest female adventurer before you came along!" 

She didn't seem hurt by the fact that I took her title, but she was uncomfortably friendly. Not that it is a bad thing, it was just different. 

"Lara," I replied calmly, though she already seems to know me. 

"Vadallea let go of the poor girl," a bar tender popped out from around the corner, wiping a mug with a rag as she approached us, "You're scaring her." 

"Am not!" She protested, but she let go of my hands, leaning over to drag her mug over with what looked like and smelled like hot cocoa. "Do you want a cup? It'll be my treat." 

"I-" I was about to reject the generous offer but she already raised her hand to the bartender. 

"Kinder! One cup of hot cocoa!" 

The bartender rolled her eyes, but dutifully went to the back to hopefully make me a mug of the chocolate goodness.  

"I hope we can be good friends," She beamed at me, her silver eyes glittering with excitement. Something in those eyes screamed familiarity like she already knew exactly who I was. It frightened me. 

Her smile quickly diminished when someone else slid into the seat on the other side of me. She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me to lean on her. 

He cleared his throat, sliding over something I didn't notice on the table before. 

"Cookie?" He asked, presenting some cookies with chocolate chips scattered on the inside. 

I bit my lip. My etiquette told me that it would ruin my dinner, but what would one cookie do? 

"Thank you," I muttered as I went to go take one, ignoring the daggers Vadallea was shooting over my head at Harken who was more focused on me munching down on a cookie rather than acknowledging the clear disdain she had for him. 

"Eat all of them," he added, pushing them even closer. A clear smile on his face. I didn't notice in the moment, but I was happily kicking my feet as I took another delectable cookie, my cocoa arriving just as I finished off my second one. 

Well I'm a growing child, so another cookie won't ruin my appetite. 

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