Chapter 39

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Harken was only gifted a second of relief when he laid eyes on Laraine, taking in her new appearance. 

Her eyes were glowing like two moons, her dark blueish black hair seemed to be changing color l from the roots of her head. Her scars were on fire, glowing a bright blue fire that seemed to reflect the fire within her. 

He couldn't hear her as she screamed for them to run before getting overtaken by a pillar of blinding white fire. Only pushed back by the shear force of the beam that emerged from the hole. 

"Harken!" Folkner, yanked his hand into a fist, having the sand both pull Harken away from danger and form a wall around the trio to try and protect them from the heat again. Yolanna was still struggling to sit up, heaving, lifting her hand barely able to push back the force that was shoving back into the ground. 

All three tried to get their bearings, knowing deep down they bit off way more than they could chew. The demons and monster they fought leading up to this moment paled in comparison to what they were watching. 

Soon the pillar of light faded, and to their shock Lara stood in the air, unscathed and unphased. 

But she tensed, anticipating something that suddenly emerged from the whole, the massive black form of the dragon shot out of the hole, swooping up Lara's tiny form and breaking into the skyline. 

From where they stood, it seemed like storm clouds began forming in the sky, something near impossible in this unrelenting desert but the sky turned a deep shade of gray, the clouds swirling around the dragon's form. 

Within a few seconds there was a bright blue flash in the center of the clouds, stray lighting bolts decorated the sky, illuminating the silhouette of a tensed dragon that cried out in what sounded like pain, it's roar deafening the sound of thunder. 

Suddenly the dragon started falling from the sky, and from what Harken could see there was a raging fire propelling the dragon down located on its chest. It was hard to tell what was happening, but soon the dragon landed just beside the hole it came out of, sending another wave of force that would've sent them flying further back was blocked by a semi-conscious Yolanna. 

When the smoke and sand cleared, Harken could see Lara, driving her blade into the dragon's chest, breaking through the scales with what seemed like a drill made with water and a fire. 

The dragon was trying to claw at its chest, trying to get the small woman off, but slashes of air seemed to swat the talons off, chains of sand emerged from the ground, trying to pin the creature down to the earth. 

From what Harken could tell, Lara was winning, but barely. 

"She needs our help!" He called to his only functional ally, Folkner who nodded in agreement. 

Folkner, who was no longer stone, focused is power on pinning the limbs of the thrashing dragon to the ground, solidifying the sand chains and the sand on the ground into stone. A much better material to trap than sand. 

Harken rushed forward, trying to get to Lara who was still driving her sword into the chest of the dragon. She was surrounded in blue fire, her hair whipping violently around like the flames she was making. 

Up close, Harken could see her entire head of dark hair was pure white. Harken whipped out his sword as well, joining her where she stood and drove his sword right beside hers, setting his blade ablaze, feeling it able to dig into the soft flesh below the scales. 

"It's not enough!" Lara yelled, "Try to harness the fire of the spirit world!" 

Unsure what she meant by that, Harken tried to focus on the hottest fire, the deepest flames, feeling the length of his blade grow as he let out a battle cry. Lifting his blade to drive it all the way to the hilt. 

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