Chapter 10

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For once in his life he was at a loss for words.

Delfone couldn't ask her many things, and judging by her complete silence and concentration on her food she gave off the aura of "do not speak to me."

"So father," Jenova caught his attention, looking right at him but Delfone knew she was watching her daughter closely, "How are you this morning? I heard that you were up quite late working."

"I'm fine," Delfone was much gruffer than he meant to be, but Jenova seemed to get the message that Delfone did not feel like speaking to any of them. Instead he watched out of the corner of his eye his eldest granddaughter who looked like she was in her own little world.

Eating meticulously and silently, she stared down at her plate almost in a trance, completely deep in thought as she cut and ate like a proper lady. It was almost jarring how perfectly she was behaving, and looking out to the other kids they were all still practicing their manners, with the youngest grandchild and second granddaughter not even bothering to try. Only the eldest grandson, Thresh, was presenting proper etiquette.

Delfone was almost disgusted by the complete difference in behavior. Clearly one of them grew up grew up so fast, only a child in appearance.

The only thing that seemed to catch her attention was her mother coughing, excusing herself briefly and leaving everyone in silence before the light chattering began again. A lot of empty conversation about their days and plans.

The Fortunith family is not known for their small talk.

Soon she was done, and finally snapped out of her trance, finally looking around the room at her family before politely excusing herself.

As soon as the door closed it felt like the dining room exploded with chatter.

"Father what what the purpose of that?" His daughter seethed at me trying to not worry the children who already was confused by the presence of a child they've never seen before.

"She is a child of Fortunith," Delfone plainly stated, "I will not have one of my blood to not obey the Grand Duchess's wishes."

Not able to argue with that, Nora settled back into her seat, keeping herself busy with wiping some food off Loke's face.

"Father," Geris got my attention, "I'm going to have Laraine move into the main building."

That seemed to get Thresh's attention who dropped his fork in utter shock and anger, "Father I don't advise this."

"Thr-" Geris began, but Delfone cut him off with a raise of his hand.

"Why?" Delfone asked, genuinely curious what Thresh had against his little sister.

Thresh sat up taller, a bit intimidated by his grandfather but refused to back down, "I do not believe it will be good for my little sister if Laraine is around. I think she will be a bad influence on Delphonia."

Delfone frowned, "Is Laraine not your little sister as well?"

That threw Thresh off, his expression unreadable.

"But I agree with part of that sentiment," Delfone sighed, knowing that Laraine is probably going to spend most of her time now away from the manor since she became an adventurer, and judging by Geris's proposal, she didn't let her father know her plans, "I don't think it wise to move her so suddenly, she might be too old to be able to adapt to living in the main house."

Geris was surprised by his father, thinking he'd agree that Laraine should start being with her family. The only conclusion was that Delfone knows something he didn't. Soon his confusion turned to anger, as his father was purposefully hiding something from him especially something concerning his daughter.

With that, breakfast ended with a very tense atmosphere, the kids dismissed to their lesson while the parents were off to do their business.

All was left was Geris and Delfone who waited for the dishes to be removed quickly and they were left alone with no servants in earshot.

"Why shouldn't she live with us?!" Geris snapped, slamming his hands on the dining room table, "If we change the past now we could change the future."

"She is changing it herself," Delfone reasoned, sensing that something was different from their previous lives, "She's joined Foxelle Adventurer's Guild."

"What?" Geris thought for a moment, "So that's why you asked Pleasel to come out of retirement," he mumbled recalling seeing his old friend leaving his father's office.

"He'll watch over her," Delfone sighed, going to stand and leave to his office, "According to Pleasel they will be leaving in 4 days to go North."

This caught Geris's attention more, "In 4 days? Jenova will be dead by then."

Delfone's head whipped to his sons, seeing him stare grimly at the table, not making eye contact.

"That's why I wanted her to stay in the main house, at least until after Jenova." Geris explained. Even if Jenova didn't really like her first daughter, Laraine had the right to see her just before she dies.

Something sparked inside Delfone, a memory of sorts that told him that, "Just let Laraine see her, maybe tonight?"

Geris nodded, excusing himself before he lost composure in front of his father.

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