Chapter 32

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Parter never really followed up with our little chat, even after the scouting team came back and confirmed that the dragon has started a hoard deep in a man made cavern. 

Or perhaps a dragon made cavern? 

Based on the images they brought back it seemed to be purely made of glass, the clear crystal going straight into the ground. It was hard to see how deep the cavern went as they didn't want to risk getting to close, but judging how the ground continued to move - as they described - it seems like the dragon was still making it's base. 

If it wasn't a blood thirsty monster fueled by greed, I almost would've appreciate the artistry and creativity needed to make a home entirely out of glass. 

"I've heard that some dragons make their own lairs but this is ridiculous," Parter grumbled to himself as he stared at the scouting reports. He was still analyzing the reports even after the meeting and honestly I was getting restless. It feels like more of our time here is spent in one meeting after another and not enough acting.

People are dying and we're still just chatting it up. 

"We need to do something!" Harken spoke up, slamming his hands on the dinning table. Long after our last meeting, the old group and the new group decided to have dinner together to try to relax and get ready for tomorrow because we are supposedly going to do something. 

It just seems like many of the adventurer groups are just dilly dallying, terrified of losing their lives to this beast. And who could blame them? 

After watching my visions, it seemed like the light-hearted heroism everyone was trying to present just vanished. No one seemed to want to stay around, trying to fight a creature with no honor. Most of us fought local gangs and low-leveled monsters, but a dragon like this was way out of many people's levels. 

Today it was determined that the dragon was a level S threat, beyond many of our skills and experience. It was known that no one has survived a level S. The last I saw on record was an invasion by the underworld, only solved by interference by the Spirit Realm. 

One of the reasons many spirits occupy this mortal world. 

But Tallow had told me that the spirits won't interfere in a intra-realm battle, only would restore balance between realms, not within. A frustrating but understandable circumstance that I understood when I was 9.

"Harken that's enough!" The older Winvestial scolded but Harken remained standing, glaring at his father, his hands began to glow red, scorching the wood below him. 

"Harken," I warned, putting my hand over his, cooling his temperature and the table, "We will do something, regardless of what is decided." 

"Lara? What do you mean by that?" Kent asked to my surprise, he was usually a man of little words, hardly participating in any conversation. 

"I'm saying I'm going out there first thing tomorrow morning," I proudly stated, "I'm tired of these 'meetings.' We are stalling, and the longer we wait the more we put those innocent people in danger." 

"It's too dangerous to go without a plan," Parter added, looking me right in the eyes. His eyes were glowing with a slight copper hue with the candle light. "We need to discuss with the others." 

"The others are fleeing," I could feel my body burn with a passion I've never felt before, "Didn't you see it? They were ready to run with their tail between their legs, no money was worth their lives and they know it." 

"Then why aren't you going to leave?" Parter asked, more as a genuine question than a double edged one. 

"I will not let that monster continue his chokehold on this country, even if it kills me." I declared, and suddenly I felt a squeeze on my hand, not even realizing I was still holding onto Harken's. 

"I'm going with you," he nodded to me, "Regardless of what is decided." 

"Me too," Folkner spoke up, followed by Yolanna, Flontina, and Kent. 

Parter gave me an approving nod, but the valiant mood was ruined by my recent visitor. 

"You all are insane," Sephla mumbled, but it was loud enough to catch all of our attentions. 

"Pardon?" Harken questioned, almost not-surprised by her response. 

"It's a level S!" She screamed at us, "You all might have a death wish but I don't have one! I'm leaving tonight with the others!" 

The others?

I looked to Parter who had a tight lip, confirming my suspicions. 

It was a growing rumor that may are going to desert us, halving our fighting force and leaving the rest of try and pick up their slack. 

But who can blame them, I can't. 

"We understand," I spoke up before the others, separating from Harken's warm hand to go over to Sephla, wrapping my arms around her trembling shoulders and pulling her close. "Go home to your family Sephla, live to fight another day." 

I could feel her wrap her arms around my ribs, shakily crying to my shoulder. She was just a kid, a kid with her whole life ahead of her. 

"I-I'm scared," she whispered into my ear, and even at that volume her voice cracked. 

"It's okay," I assured her, glancing over to the others who took it as their cue to leave. Briskly wishing one another goodnight and retreated to their rooms. And I guided Sephla back to a seat, rubbing her back soothingly as she began to sob. 

"You know what so stupid about this?" She chuckled humorlessly, "I didn't want to be an adventurer. I wanted to be a dress maker." 

I was paused, unsure what to respond to this. First she was confessing she desperately tried to be an adventurer with Harken and now she's confessing she wanted to be a dress maker. Is this what teenagers do? 

She seems to be flip-flopping her interests, picking different paths for her future.  

"Then go be a dress maker," I simply stated, "Open a shop in the capital, I heard that's where all the best designers are." 

She laughed at that, wiping away her tears, "You're right, I'll do just that." 

I nodded, giving her my best smile. 

"Can you promise me something?" She suddenly asked, and I nodded, "When you get married, can I make your dress?" 

A weird request but I nodded again, not telling her that getting married was not in my future. But it's nice to live for a promise, and Sephla really seems like she needs this. 

"Perfect," she smiled, standing to her feet, "I need to go pack now," nodding to herself and puffing her chest again, "I'll see you after this, right? In the capital when you're all celebrated as heroes!" 

I know she doesn't believe that we will survive, but this was still encouraging. 

"See you then?" 

"See you then." 

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