Chapter 38

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Stepping into the exact same place I was standing, I felt a rush a heat come from the tips of my fingers to deep in my chest where I felt a rush of adrenaline. 

This dragon appeared to have pause its onslaught, staring down at me with deep green eyes that glowed in the dark. The only light being the molten glass surrounding us as well as dripping from the ceiling. It was a miracle it didn't bury us alive. 

"Something is different about you." 

A deep, cracking, voice tickled my ears and shook my legs. The voice of the dragon? It sounded androgynous, but old. 

"You can speak?" I asked aloud, my voice didn't sound like mine, it sounded like a small chorus of airy voices. Like how Tallow's voice sounds in my head. Tightening the grip on my sword, I stared up at the beast who's mouth did not move. It simply stared, its mouth curling slightly into an animalistic smirk. 

"In so many ways, I can," it snickered as it 'spoke,' "And you have visited the Spirit Realm, haven't you. The smell of your soul is different, it's not exactly a mortal anymore." 

Bracing myself, I was prepared to cut this conversation off short, but this dragon is right something is different about me. I could feel it. 

My body felt sturdier like stone, yet lighter like a feather. And the sensation of always being cold has vanished, instead I am at some equilibrium. I felt more complete than I ever have been. 

"Are you prepared to battle human?" The dragon boomed, standing up even straighter if that was possible, spreading it's large wings, "It has been quite a while since I had a worth-while challenge." 

I wasn't going to entertain this monster with an answer, instead making my move. Pushing off one foot, I almost immediately topped over from the shear force I was able to provide launching myself yards ahead of my intended target, feeling the ground warp around my feet as it seemed to melt under my footsteps. 

My feet were quite literally on fire and my sword was surrounded in glowing water I've pulled from the Spirit World. 

Raising my blade I swung at the dragon's hind leg, watching in utter surprise as it seemed to chip several of the diamond-like scales. Of course not nearly enough damage to the leg as I was hoping, but it was much more than what I did earlier. 

I pulled everything into that tidal wave I sent into this dragon and it just seemed to give it a nice spring shower. 

The dragon didn't seemed shocked, instead it began laughing. 


It was booming, shaking the ground, and strangely shrill, almost ear piercing. 

Almost by nature, the sound stopped. The dragon didn't appear to stop laughing, but I just couldn't hear it. I could still feel the vibrations in the air, but the vibrations didn't seem to reach my ear drums.

Perhaps a skill given to me by my newfound powers. 

Unphased, I concentrated on my blade, the water that spiraled around it started spinning even faster. 

Going for the same leg I swung again, but this time the dragon moved. It was like lightening. In one moment it was there and suddenly it was above me. 

For such a large creature it was agile. 

It seemed amused on my intent to disable it, and soon it kept crashing down back on me, the glass under it smashing inward. 

I managed to get out of the way but the space in here was quite limited considering the glass was still melting everywhere. Glancing up it seems the hole was still standing strong, I think my best bet is drawing it outside where I have more space to go wild. Noticing my gaze the dragon spread its, blocking the view of the only exit. 

"You cannot run away, girl," the dragon sneered, "You will die here today." 

"We'll see," I mumbled, scanning around the whole area. The walls were closing in whether the dragon is aware of it or not. If we stay down here much longer we both will drown in molten glass. And I don't think the spirits can protect me from that. 

"Just make sure the last moments of your measly life are worth my while." 

Its lungs began to expand and glow again, a bright light formed behind its fangs and it released the unyielding fire. 

On instinct, I quite literally sliced through it, noticing it pushed back every so slightly. Beginning to swing faster and more precise I was able to cut through the fire, feeling the resistance against my arms but I was able to push through. 

Feeling like the burning fire was forming steps around me I climbed up the beam, slicing through with every step. 

It didn't even notice me before I was right at its muzzle. The water spiraled so fast it wasn't visibly spinning around my blade and I slashed at the front, noticing the scales of its mouth breathing and the satisfying splatter of blood released only to evaporate from the heat. 

It stopped breathing it's unrelenting fire, enough to reel back from me with a pained expression. 

Landing a bit of a distance away from it, I noticed the burn scars on my arms and assumedly on my face as well as on fire. Like it was the source of a bright blue fire that was burning from inside of me. It was illuminating the area where I stood as well, a bright blue light to match the burning blue flame I appeared to be producing. 

"So this is what pain feels like," it chuckled humorlessly, "I, Crestal the Great Fire, have never felt this before." It even reached up to its face, looking at the blood leaking onto its palm. 

Crestal? I guess that's the name of this monster. 

"Well be prepared for more!" I shouted in triumph, looking back to the hole in the ceiling, noticing it was wide open. 

Before Crestal could react I was already breaching the exit, a blue fire originating at my feet propelled me forward, allowing me to blast out of the hole, noticing my friends looking ragged at the top. 

I made eye-contact with Harken who was hovering over the edge, his eyes widening as he took in my new appearance. 

"Run!" I screamed at them, barely able to see them as a giant beam of fire emerged from where I came, swallowing me up followed by an earth-rattling roar. 

The dragon is following me. 

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