Chapter 1

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This story was edited by Alpha_Leilathey really cleaned up this story and made it much better. So if you ever need one of your stories edited, message them and they will be more than happy to help you

Thunder roared violently in the sky as the rain began to pour upon a small wooden cabin in the quiet Wall Maria countryside. Inside the cabin resided a small family of three who sat at a table, spending their afternoon with each other. The father was peeling potatoes for dinner later, while the mother and daughter were practicing embroidery.

"Finished! Look, Mom!" The girl cried out to her mother as her opal eyes sparkled with joy. 

"Oh, you did a great job, Mikasa! It's very nice!" The woman proudly told her daughter as she grabbed the embodied fabric from the girl's hands to take a better look, "This style of embroidery has been passed down in our clan from generation to generation. When you have a child, it'll be your turn to pass it on too!" 

Mikasa thought upon her mothers words for a second and innocently asked her, "How can I have a child?"

 The woman was completely caught off guard by her daughter's question and quickly replied, "Err, why don't you ask your father that?"

 The young girl then turned her head to her father and asked the man, "Well, Dad?" 

"Oh, uhh, I don't really know, either! Oh, I know! Dr. Yeager will be here any minute! Why don't we ask him?" The blonde-haired man narrowly escaped the question, while his wife giggled at his nervousness. They then heard a knock at the door and the man went to open it, "Oh, that must be him! Coming! Dr. Yeager! We've been expecting..."

His sentence was suddenly cut off and before either Mikasa or her mother could react and the man collapsed to the floor. Three men then appeared in the doorway of the house, one holding a knife with a red liquid dripping from it. One of the men then said, "Hello. Pardon the intrusion." 

Mikasa was confused about why her father fell down and turned to her mother for clarity, only to see sheer horror in the woman's eyes. The opal-eyed girl then saw her mother slowly inch her hands towards a pair of shears on the table.

"Just take it nice and easy, unless you want your head split open with this." Another one of the three men said before lifting an axe in the air. 

It was at this moment that Mikasa's mother grabbed the shears and jumped out of her seat. She screamed out and charged towards the men, trying to stab the men in order to protect her daughter. 

The man with the axe blocked the woman's attack at the last second and cried out, "This broad's crazy!" 

The woman struggled with the men and desperately screamed to her daughter, "Mikasa! Run!" 

Mikasa started to become afraid of what was happening and meekly asked her mother, "Huh? M-Mom... Y-you're scaring me?" 

The woman continued fighting with the men, trying to buy time for her daughter time, "I want you to be scared! Now run, Mikasa!" 

"Uhh... Dad...?" Mikasa as she turned to her father hoping for some sort of reassurance that everything was going to be alright, only to see him completely motionless with a red stain on his chest. 

"Damn it! I've had enough of your crap!" The man cried out before throwing the woman to the floor and splitting her head open with the axe. 

Mikasa's heart comely shattered as she saw her mothers lifeless body fall to the floor and blood splatter from her skull. The woman turned to her daughter one last time and Mikasa saw the life leave her eyes. The opal-eyed girl's vision started to become blurry from tears and she began to shake as she tried to comprehend what she had just seen happen. The young girl was praying that this was some sort of awful nightmare and she would soon wake up next to her parents. The girl wanted to run away but was frozen in shock at what she had just seen. 

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