Chapter 2

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"Stabbed through the heart from behind." One of the Military Police told the other as they inspected the shocking scene before them.

"Ludwig... d-did hose kids did this?" the other one shakily replied to his partner.

"Eren. I told you to wait at the foot of the mountain. Do you have any idea what you've done?!" Grisha angrily scolded his young son as he lifted the boys shirt and inspected bruise on his stomach as well as the hand marks on his neck.

"I got rid of some dangerous animals! They just happened to look like people!" Eren defiantly responded to his father.

"Eren!" The doctor sighed as he tried to tell his son.

"They would've been long gone by the time the Military Police arrived! It would've been too late!" Eren angrily told his father.

"Even so, you were just lucky, Eren! The way you casually threw your life away is what I'm angry about!" Grisha explained to the hot headed boy.

Eren realized what his father was talking about and honestly responded to the man, "But... I wanted to save her as fast as I could..."

Grisha saw the look on his son's face and finally understood where his son was coming from. He then sighed before turning to the young girl next to Eren and saying, "Mikasa. Do you remember me? We've met several times before, when you were little."

"Dr. Yeager... How do I get home from here? I'm cold..." Mikasa told the doctor sounding defeated and shivering from the weather. She suddenly felt something warm wrapping around her neck and that alleviated the cold.

"Here, this should heat you up." Eren told the raven haired girl as he wrapped his red scarf around her.

This kind gesture shocked both Mikasa and Grisha, causing the girl's heart to skip a beat. Grisha then cleared his throat before saying, "I don't think there is anyone there for you and you need to be with family right now. Do have any relatives that could take you in?"

Mikasa looked to the floor in shame before she gloomily shook her head.

Grisha then sighed before getting up and approaching the two Military Police still inside of the cabin to see if they could help him.

"Eren... What will happen to me? Where will I go?" Mikasa hopelessly asked the brown haired boy next to her, her opal eyes still glued to the floor.

Eren was completely taken aback by the girls dismal sounding questions. Mikasa had been through enough as is, she should not be alone right now. The brown haired boy grabbed Mikasa's hand and told her, "I... I don't know Mikasa. But I promise you that everything will alright. My father is a very smart man and I know he will find you a home that will give you all the love and care you deserve. They will make sure that you are well taken care of. I understand if you are scared Mikasa, I understand you have been through a lot as if. I understand that we just met, but I need you to trust me and I promise that everything will be ok."

Mikasa was astonished by Eren's words and became mesmerized staring into his emerald eyes. Around Eren, the girl felt safe and was warm wearing his scarf around her neck. Her life had been turned upside down before her very eyes and she had given up on it. However when Eren saved her, he showed her that despite the world being a cruel place, it was also beautiful place too. Despite there being heartless monsters, there were also compassionate angels as well. Tears began to well up in her opal eyes as she no longer felt lost in the world. Eren's hands stayed locked with hers even after he was done speaking and Mikasa hoped he never let go.

Grisha entered the cabin and approached the Military Policemen still looking at the crime scene. He the asked them, "Ludwig, Johannes; do either of you happen to know of any Ackerman who can take the girl in? Any sort of relatives?"

A Cruel, Yet Beautiful World (Eren x Mikasa) AoT AUWhere stories live. Discover now