Chapter 15

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"One more wagon of ice burst gas incoming!" Jean yelled out to the rest of his squad as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

Mikasa gave out an irritated groan as she heard the ash brown haired boy say this, annoyed that they were still chores even though they graduated yesterday. They should be preparing for the transition from cadets into professional soldiers, not doing manual labor. The brass can claim all they want that, "this is to teach them discipline" and it is, "for their own good." But the raven haired girl knew the truth that their officers were just too lazy to unpack the wagons themselves.

However, the real reason why Mikasa was in such a sour mood was because she was not in either Eren or Armin's squads. Instead she was stuck working with a group of people she was not very close with. Her unit included arrogant Jean, starry eyed Marco, sassy Ymir, sickeningly sweet Christa, as well as cold hearted slacker Annie. All these people had wildly different personalities and Mikasa did not feel comfortable opening up around them.

The girl desperately tried to bribe Sasha to switch assignments so that she could be in Eren's squad by offering the girl her potato for the next two nights. However the burgundy haired girl shockingly refused her and decided to maintain her post on the wall. This was much to Mikasa's chagrin as she wanted to tell her emerald eyed best friend about a dream she had last night. One that had been floating around in her mind ever since she woke up.

She dreamt that it was her and Eren sitting together on the banks of a lake that extended beyond the horizon. It was an absolutely breath taking sight as the sun rose up in the sky and illuminated the water into a bright orange. The two teenagers were sitting a few feet apart, however as time went on it felt like they were drifting closer and closer to one another. At the same time, Mikasa also began to feel strange sensations all over her body. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, there was an enormous lump in her throat, it felt like there was a queasy feeling in her stomach, and her face felt like it was on fire. She wanted to say something to Eren, however words would never materialize with in her mouth. After a while of silence, Mikasa finally gained the courage to speak up and opened her mouth; a frigid wind blew through her and caused a chill to run up her spine. The opal eyed girl quickly wrapped her arms around herself in order to warm up, however to no avail and she still felt freezing. The raven haired girl then felt a warm sensation around her neck and saw Eren cloaking her in his red scarf, just like he did that night all those years ago. This gesture instantly warmed Mikasa up and caused her heart to melt. The girl then felt Eren gently cup her face as his emerald, green eyes stared deep into her opal, gray ones. Time seemed to completely stop in its tracks as their faces were only inches apart. All of Mikasa's worries and fears completely went away in that moment as the only thing in the world that mattered was each other.

It was in this moment that Mikasa was rudely awakened by her head crashing onto a stone step. She had wanted to tell the chocolate brunette all about her dream all morning however, never got the chance as he hastily ran off to his post on the walls. 

The raven haired girl very much wanted Eren to put her dream into perspective. Emotions and feelings were never Mikasa's forte, so she was hoping that her best friend could explain all of it to her and allow her to understand what all of this means. The girl had so many questions she wanted to ask him. What does this mean? Why was she dreaming about him? Was the same thing happening to him? Why can't she stop thinking about it?

The opal eyed girl always felt like she had this strong and unique relationship with Eren from the first time they met. However, it felt like over the last three years of training together, this connection had grown even stronger. All those years they spent apart had only strengthened their bond and made them closer. However, as Mikasa got older and became a teenager things began to feel different for her. The raven haired girl was unsure how to explain it, but it was almost as if the way she cared about Eren changed. She became enamored every time his illustrious green eyes looked into her own gray ones. Sometimes she had strange feelings in her stomach just being around him. Her heart skipped a beat any time he touched her. And her face would also heat up anytime he would wrap his scarf around her neck. Eren really did make her feel unlike anyone else she has ever met and she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life by his side, helping him to accomplish his dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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