Chapter 14

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Sorry that it took a me a full month to release this chapter. I wish that I could give good reason to why like I was busy or I had a writer's block, but no I was just really lazy. However, since it took me so long to finish a chapter, I never got a chance to tell all of you that I am so thankful I am that this story got over one thousand reads. I honestly would have been happy if this story had reached only a hundred, the fact it reached ten times that is absolutely insane. So I guess enough of my rambling and I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

Three years... Three long, agonizing years Eren Yeager has spent within the 104th Cadet Corps. With every single day feeling like a new form of torture designed to break both his mind and body. Anyone with a weaker constitution would have buckled underneath all of this hardship, but not Eren. The emerald eyed boy could not count how much blood, sweat, and tears that he has shed to survive here. However, it all feels worth it to the chocolate brunet as he stands amongst his class and graduates with honors.

Eren has grown significantly during this time span, both physically and mentally. He blossomed to a height of five feet, seven inches and built up a significant amount of muscle. At the same time, he also grew to somewhat control his hotheaded tendencies. Now he only uses his fists over his brain most of the time instead of every time. The emerald eyed boy even began to open himself a bit more to others

As a result of opening himself up, Eren has met and befriended a diverse group of people. A wild, burgundy haired girl who eats everything named Sasha Braus. A muscular blonde boy who acts sort of like his big bother named Reiner Braun. A short boy with a buzz cut who always loves goofing around named Connie Springer. A very tall and timid brunet boy named Bertholdt Hoover. A cheerful ebony haired girl named Mina Carolina. A kind, yet very naive boy named Marco Bodt. A nervous blonde boy with thick sideburns named Thomas Wagner. A really short and sweet blonde girl who everyone loves named Christa Lenz; as well as her sassy and over protective friend, Ymir.

However, none of this people are anywhere near as close to Eren as his best friends Mikasa and Armin. The three teenagers are inseparable from one another and often get teased by many of their comrades for it. Despite each of them having flaws such as Eren always getting into trouble, Armin sometimes being cowardly, and Mikasa being overprotective; the emerald eyed boy could not ask for two better friends. Nor could the brunet have named two people he'd be more proud to graduate the 104th Cadet Corps alongside. 

The graduation Ceremony began as Commandant Keith Shadis stood on a stage with many of the highest ranking members of the military to yell out, "Do you have heart?!"

"Sir!" Each each member of the 104th Cadet Corps saluted.

The commander continued, "As if this moment you have three options open to you! Choose wisely!" 

"The Garrison Regiment!" Shadis says as an old, bald man with a grey mustache and red rose crest on his jacket steps up from behind him, "whose job is to reinforce the Walls!"

"The Scout Regiment!" the commandant continues, as a young man with a blonde combover and a winged crest on his jacket steps up, "who rides out into Titan country to take back what was once ours!"

"And the MP Regiment!" The bald instructor finishes off as a young man with black hair and thin mustache wearing a green unicorn crest on his jacket steps up, "who maintain law and order under orders from His Royal Majesty! Those cadets eligible for the MP have already been named! The rest of you take a look! Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, Bertoldt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Eren Yeager, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bodt, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus, and Christa Lenz; you have all proven yourselves to be the best of the best when it comes to your class. His Majesty, King Fritz, personally invites all of you to join the Interior Military Police and perform the most important job in all of humanity."

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