Chapter 7

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Mikasa placed her last shirt into a suit case before finally being finished packing. The raven haired girl then wrapped a red scarf around her neck and held it affectionately. After eleven days of waiting, Levi returned from his expedition outside the walls earlier than expected. Right now the grey eyed scout is briefing the interior of the Survey Corps observations alongside Captain Erwin; however once he returned from Wall Sina they would leave to Shiganshina. The raven haired girl absolutely could not wait to see Eren again.

She had been waiting for this moment for so long, it felt so surreal that it was finally happening. Mikasa could not wait to give Eren back his red scarf. Tell him about her difficult training with Levi in the last year. Tell the brunette boy how much she missed him. Stare into his mesmerizing, emerald green eyes again. As well as feel the boy's warm embrace. Truth is, the only thing Mikasa was not looking forward to was leaving after only a week. There was so many things that she wanted to do but did not have enough time.

The opal eyed girl picked up her suit case and turned around see Petra standing in the doorway. The ginger was smiling at Mikasa, although the girl could tell that there was a hint of sadness behind it. This was strange since Petra was always so cheerful and happy. The amber eyed teenager had been in this melancholic state ever since Levi left. The grey eyed scout must have told her something before leaving on his expedition, something that really upset her. Mikasa could not help but wonder what exactly the shorty could have told the ginger to make her like this.

"Are you all packed up for the trip to Shiganshina?" Petra asked the raven haired girl.

"Yeah." The girl excitedly replied

"Good, Levi should be back any minute now." Petra said before then asking, "In the mean time, I was wondering if you wanted to have some tea with me?"

"Okay, I guess I am a little thirsty." Mikasa said as she walked out of her room and followed Petra through the castle into the kitchen. The raven haired girl placed her bag on the floor and took a seat at a table as Petra poured two cups of tea.

As the ginger haired teenager watched Mikasa take a sip, she asked her in a flirtatious tone, "So... are you excited to see Eren again?"

Mikasa nearly choked on her tea when she heard this and confusedly replied, "Umm yeah..."

"You know he must be one strong, dreamy boy for you to be this excited to see him again. From what I heard about him he must be so kind and sweet. I wonder what the first thing that he will think once he sees you again. Oh, he will probably be so happy." Petra continued before winking at the girl.

"Err... Umm..." was the only thing Mikasa could let out as she struggled to form a coherent sentence. The raven haired girl then felt her cheeks begin to flare up.

"Oh come on Mikasa, don't tell me you do not realize it. After everything that you have done here to, 'protect him.'" Petra giggled, "you quite clearly have feelings for Eren."

"I-I d-do not!" Mikasa adamantly denied, her face flushing red.

Petra laughed, "It is nothing to be ashamed about, it is perfectly normal to have a crush. Captain Erwin briefed me on you guy's history together before I came and I think it is just so sweet. I mean, he ought to feel the same way after everything that he did to save you. Aww you and him are probably going to look so adorable together and make the cutest couple. Have you thought about how you're gonna-"

"Enough Petra!" Mikasa yelled the ginger haired teenager, "can we please stop talking about this!"

"What, you don't like me talking about how infatuated you are with Eren? How you want him to just sweep you off of your feet and tell you how much you mean to him?" The ginger haired teenager laughed, "I am just teasing you Mikasa. I have never seen you this flustered before. Don't worry, you will understand better when you get a little bit older."

The raven haired girl was having an existential crisis inside her head trying to comprehend what Petra was telling her. She could not have feelings for Eren, he was just the only friend she ever made. That is the reason why she cares about him so much. Eren said it himself that friends are willing to do anything for each other. Yeah, him saving her from those kidnappers was out of friendship.  Her coming her to train with Levi was for the same reason. None of that was because of some stupid crush but, because of their strong bond with each other.

Then again, she would probably consider Levi and Petra to be her friends. Yet neither of them meant half as much to her as Eren, despite being around them so much more. She would do no where near the things to protect those two as she would for the emerald eyed boy. Mikasa was willing to go to the ends of the world for Eren. Could Petra be right about this? Does she actually have feelings for Eren? Could Eren maybe feel the same about her?

Thinking about the possibility even further caused Mikasa to blush more. However, the raven haired girl quickly shook that stupid thought of her head. All of this was just Petra trying to confuse and make fun of her. The opal eyed girl knew she did not like Eren, that would be absolutely ridiculous to fall in love with a boy she met once. She knew that she had to get back at Petra one way or another, then a devious thought hit her head.

Mikasa took a sip from her tea cup before saying, "You know, you're really one to talk."

"What do you mean?" A confused Petra replied to the opal eyed girl.

"Oh please, I am not an idiot; I know you did not accept Captain Erwin's offer to come live in here because you wanted to take care of me." Mikasa spoke in between her sips, "you accepted it because you wanted to be close to Sergeant Levi."

Petra gasped at Mikasa's words and her face turned into a bright crimson, "W-what are you suggesting?!"

"Come on, I have seen you sneaking glances at him when he is not looking. How you turn away embarrassed every time he almost catches you." Mikasa said before smirking, "I bet you get lost every time you stare into his icy grey eyes. You heard how cold his heart was and wanted to take the challenged to melt it. You probably dream at making Levi finally open up."

"Umm..." Petra cried out as her cheeks flared up before sighing in defeat. The ginger then raised her tea cup in the air to congratulate Mikasa, "well played."

The two girls then just sat at the small table laughing. It was these rare moments the amber eyed teenager was going to miss about living with Mikasa. Even though they were few and so far in between, times like this Petra felt like Mikasa was the little sister she never had.

As the two of them sat at the table, they heard loud horns sounding off in the distance. At first they tried to ignore them, however they became louder and were getting closer. Without saying another word, Mikasa and Petra shot up from their seats and ran outside of the castle. When the two went outside, they saw red flares being shot in the air in the distance. The two girls then shot uneasy glances at one another. Both of them were completely terrified about what was happening.

A Cruel, Yet Beautiful World (Eren x Mikasa) AoT AUWhere stories live. Discover now