Chapter 5

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The emerald eyed boy frantically ran through the Military Police base and crashing into people with a gaping smile plastered on his face. Eren was finally going to be able to meet his hero and he could not wait any longer. The brunette soon got outside the building and saw a group of soldiers surrounding two green hooded figures atop horses. The two people dismounted from their horses and removed their hoods; revealing a tall blonde man with icy blue eyes as well as a a short black haired man with sea gray eyes.

One of the Military Policeman ran up to the two men and cried out, "Captain Erwin, Sergeant Levi; we were not expecting you to come here on such short notice. Had we known we would have better-"

The Special Operations squad leader held up his hand to silence the soldier, before sternly saying, "I am looking for a Doctor Grisha Yeager, can you lead me to him."

"O-oh, of course right this way." The man said as he led the two scouts through the crowd of MP's.

As the two men walked, they soon stood before an awestruck brunette boy staring up at them with a black haired girl next to him. The two Survey Corp members looked at each other and exchanged confused glances. Erwin took a knee in front of the girl before saying, "I take it you must be Mikasa."

The opal eyed girl nodded to the blonde man, noticing that he had a pair of white wings on his jacket as opposed to the green unicorns he had seen on every other soldier.

The man then stood up, "I am Captain Erwin, leader of the Survey Corp's Special Operation Squad. And this person next to me is my second in command Sergeant Levi."

Mikasa looked over and locked eyes with the short black haired man upon hearing his name. As she looked into their sea gray eyes, she felt a cold, yet familiar sensation flow through her. The same one she felt when that strange electricity surge through her before saving Eren from the kidnapper.

Levi had the same feeling staring into the young girls eyes. Usually people would be immediately intimidated by his cold gaze and turn away. However not Mikasa, she stared back at him unaffected and with the same frigidness. This shocked the young scout as the only other person he ever saw this in was his old mentor, Kenny Ackerman.

"Eren!" A middle aged man called out before finally catching up to his son. He then noticed the two Survey Corp Members standing in front of the two children.

"Doctor Yeager I presume?" Erwin asked the man, causing the brunette male to nod. "we received your message from the military policeman early this morning and decided to ride here in order to explore this proposition. I think that we should let Mikasa and Levi talk to each other in private. In the mean time, would you mind filling me in on the situation."

"Of course." The doctor replied as he placed a hand onto the raven haired girls shoulder and lightly pushed her forward towards Levi. She and Levi then began to walk away from the group while Grisha began to tell Erwin about the previous nights events.

Eren on the other hand, was jealous towards Mikasa as she got the honor of talking to his hero. While he was happy that Mikasa may finally have someone who will take care of her, he could not help but feel envious wishing it was him walking next to Levi.

Levi and Mikasa walked side by side as silence filled the air between. The young scout tried to spark a conversation by saying, "So... umm... you're Mikasa."

"Mhm." The opal eyed girl quietly responded as awkwardness filled the atmosphere.

Levi sighed at his inability to connect with the raven haired girl. The Survey Corps taught him how to deal with titans, not little brats. The grey eye scout finally began to realize how much of a mistake this whole thing was. What was going through his mind when he thought that he might take care of a children? She was probably just going to cry and whine all the time like a little, making him go crazy. No, he had much better things to do than to waste his time with this little girl.

A Cruel, Yet Beautiful World (Eren x Mikasa) AoT AUWhere stories live. Discover now