Chapter 6

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 The bright sun shined over the Forest of Giant Trees as three silhouettes sped through it. In the back was a ginger haired teenager with light, amber colored eyes. Then, in the middle of the trio was a black haired male with sea grey eyes. While the front of the group was a girl with raven hair and opal colored eyes wearing a red scarf around her neck.

"Mikasa! Slow down!" The male yelled out to the girl who was already too far ahead of him.

Mikasa however did not listen, she was too entranced with her ODM gear and too far to hear him. The raven haired girl found soaring through the air to be a serene, almost a meditating experience. Mikasa however was so focused on flying that she did not realize she was using too much gas too fast.

Her hypnotic state was finally broken we she heard a noise behind her and saw her tanks sputtering. Before Mikasa could react, she began to free fall to the forest floor below. The girl tried to use her gear to shoot to another tree, however without gas it was useless. She felt despair as her gruesome fate at the bottom of the forest seemed inevitable. Mikasa's life then flashed before her opal eyes as she recalled playing in her parent's garden, learning how to embroider from her mother, the deaths of her parents, Eren saving her life from the kidnappers, Eren giving her his red scarf, as well as meeting Levi. Mikasa closed her eyes as tears began to well in them, accepting the gruesome fate that awaited her and sad at never fulfilling her promise to Eren.

The girl was only a few feet above the ground, when a figure soared through the air and grabbed onto her. However her momentum was too great the the two of them crashed and rolled onto the forest floor , badly scraping Mikasa and dirtying her clothes.

When the raven haired girl opened her eyes again, she saw an irate Levi wrapping his arms around her. The grey eyed scout then let go of the girl and stood up before angrily yelling out, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU MIKASA?! WERE YOU TRYING TO DIE?! WHEN I SAY SLOW DOWN, YOU SLOW DOWN!"

The girl just looked up to Levi unable to even say anything, she was still shaken by what happened. She was hyperventilating, trembling, and her heart was beating out of her chest.

As Levi stood over Mikasa, a ginger girl descended from the sky with their ODM Gear. She then ran over to the raven haired girl's side and cried out, "Oh my God Mikasa, are you okay?"

"Tch! She's fine Petra." Levi told the teenager rolling his eyes, "just an idiot."

"Levi!" Petra yelled out, "you should not say such things to Mikasa, she is just a kid. Look at her right now, I think that she learned her lesson."

Levi was annoyed by this and sharply replied, "No Petra, I do not think that she did. Had I not saved Mikasa, she would be a red stain on the forest floor right now! Dead at the young age of ten. Mikasa, you said that you wanted to do anything to become a warrior so that you could protect Eren. A part of being that is thinking and actually using your head. Now if you ever want to see your precious little boy ever again, I advise that you listen to me! Otherwise I don't even know why I adopted you in the first place!"

Levi saw Mikasa's face drop to the floor in shame at his words. The man realized that he really hurt Mikasa and felt absolutely rotten about himself. He could also feel the sharp daggers that Petra's amber eyes were shooting at him.

The young scout knelt before Mikasa and said in a different tone, "Look, I am sorry Mikasa, I did not mean what I said. You just scared me that is all... Come it is late, let's go home so you can wash yourself up."

Levi then held out his hand to help the raven haired girl up from the floor. Mikasa was hesitant at first, however eventually took it and began to walk. However, she was overwhelmed by the pain in her legs and began to limp. Levi noticed this and stood in front of the opal eyed girl to carry her on his back. He walked with the girl through the forest until reaching their tied down horses. The grey eyed scout placed Mikasa onto her horse, before he and Petra mounted their respective ones. The three rode side by side in silence as the sun began to set.

A Cruel, Yet Beautiful World (Eren x Mikasa) AoT AUWhere stories live. Discover now