Chapter 476 - Chapter 490

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Chapter 476: The Second Floor

Following after the first encounter with the wolf head puppet, they encountered more puppets in quick succession. But under the unyielding transformation of the Heavenbearing Devil Arts, Man Huzi smashed them into pieces as if they were made of clay. Zenith Yin and Qing Yi didn't need to help the slightest.

With each encounter, Han Li bluntly gathered and put away the remains of each puppet, much to the confusion of the Bone Sage and Wu Chou.

As for the Nascent Soul cultivators, they turned a blind eye to Han Li's actions.

However, it was clear that they walked a path from Wan Tianming's party. When Han Li saw that the Devil Dao cultivators were still calm and unhurried, Han Li knew that these old devils probably had an approximation of where they were.

But ever since they encountered the puppet guards, Zenith Yin and the others no longer continued straight ahead. They began to take turns.

However, Han Li felt that there was something odd. From their earlier advance, Han Li had a clear feeling that all pathways were the same. But these three Nascent soul cultivators made a sudden turn to the left and another turn to the right without the slightest hesitation. It was as if they already knew the route in advance.

Were it just Zenith Yin and Qing Yi doing this, Han Li wouldn't find it strange. After all, they've been to the Inner Halls before. Perhaps they already memorized the route from their last time here. But this was clearly Man Huzi's first time coming here and he was leading them at the very front with Zenith Yin and Qing Yi following after him without any objections. Han Li found this baffling!

Han Li's mind set into motion as he stealthily swept the intersections for any differences or markings.

After passing several intersections, his efforts was vainly spent as he had found nothing. He could only leave the matter be for now.

After Man Huzi wrecked the eighth wolf head puppet along the way, they arrived at a small transportation formation.

The transportation formation was at the center of an intersection and emitted a faint, sparkling light.

"This will take us to the second floor. I wonder if Wan Tianming and his party had used any tricks. They actually managed to get ahead of us." Layman Qing Yi grumbled upon seeing the transportation formation, but a trace of a grin was still on his face.

Man Huzi coldly snorted and said without concern, "Humph! Let's go. Even if they're ahead of us, the Heavenvoid Cauldron isn't something that is so easily acquired."

Soon after, he let the way, entering the transportation formation in stride.

Layman Qing Yi smiled at the sight. After Man Huzi entered, Zenith Yin and Layman Qing Yi stood still. After taking a glance at each other, they heavily gazed at Han Li.

Han Li felt his heart shiver.

He had no choice but to enter the transportation formation under their supervision.

Han Li saw a flash of white light and regained his bearings before raising his head.

He was shocked. He was at another intersection of stone passageways. If it weren't for Man Huzi standing in front of him, Han Li would've thought that the transportation formation had failed.

While Han Li was at a loss, white light flashed from behind him, bringing along the rest of the party.

Just as Zenith Yin appeared, he took a look around. He grimaced and muttered, "What method did those Righteous Dao folk use to travel so fast? I can no longer find them."