Chapter Two - 'Jaz'

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"You know him?" Jaz whispered in my direction as we sat on the hood of Brad's car, draped over by a blanket at the drive-in theatre

"Who?" I asked without looking at him directly, afraid eye contact would bring us closer than wanted

So far, he was decent, and I mused on how Penny and Brad knew him amongst their circle of friends. Or maybe it was just because conversation was small, awkward and uncomfortable while Penny and Brad sat on the grass in front of us cuddling and kissing.

"Phox" Jaz whispered again, his breath brushing past my cheek

"I don't know who that is" My eyebrows creased as I kept my head forward

"The guy across your street" Jaz continued.

Unintentionally, my head snapped towards him, unconcerned about the distance

"Phoenix?" I assumed

"Yeah, Phox" He corrected me

"What's Phox?" I shook my head, confused

"That's what everyone at the ground calls him. But if you're unaware of his ground name, it tells me you aren't close, and that's a good thing" He smiled, looking over my face

"Should I ask what the ground is?" I dared, curious

"You've never heard of ground before?"

He seemed surprised

I shook my head "No"

"I guess that's a good thing too"

"And why's that?" I pushed

"It's where adrenaline junkies go to-"

"Hey!" Brad turned around towards us "Keep it down, the movie is starting" He shooshed with his finger over his lips

"Sorry" I mumbled staring back at the screen, Jaz's eyes still firm on my face.

Throughout the movie, I kept my eyes trained on the screen, and my mouth shut. But that didn't mean my mind wasn't racing, desperate to know what Phox meant, what the ground meant and what it involved. I replayed Jaz's words over in my head, 'it's where adrenaline junkies go to'. I tried countless time to imagine the end of his sentence. But nothing I could connect made sense. I couldn't focus on the movie. All I could focus on was solving the mystery revolving the brothers living a few yards from my home.

When the credits finally did roll, I looked down at Jaz's expensive watch around his wrist. It was ten o'clock and I could feel my eyes drown in fatigue.

I never stayed out late, and whenever I did, it was due to coffee and studying the night before a big test. Those were the only times I felt the need to force back sleep.

"That was awesome" Jaz sighed as Brad and Penny stood and stretched their limbs out.

My muscles too were tense, aching due to lack of movement. I hadn't dared to move, afraid Jaz would scoot closer, or reach for my hand.

"Yeah" I agreed, lying through my teeth

"So, ready? Dinner and dancing" Penny chirped, standing in front of me as I slid of the car boot, careful that my shoes wouldn't scratch or mark it.

"Are you serious?" I asked, exhausted

"I'm serious, why what's wrong?" She smiled, still full of energy

"I'm a grandma, you know that" I admitted, knowing I couldn't handle the bright lights and loud music.
I also couldn't bear the idea of spending anymore time with Jaz while Penny and Brad danced together. It would give him ideas, opportunity, opportunity that made me cringe.

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