Chapter Eighteen - 'Choice'

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Wednesday. The day had been full of laughs that hurt and relationships that mended. Penny and Grace stayed with me throughout the day, taking turns on keeping me company, and unbeknown to them, keeping my mind off of the drama. Phoenix hadn't contacted me at all, and neither Penny nor Grace questioned it. Every now and then, I would think of him, and a small part of me wished he was here, but a large part of me didn't. I didn't blame him for where I was, but I knew that the more involved I was with him, the more involved I would in fact get. The boy was bad news, but something about him, perhaps that fact in itself, drew me to him.

My doctor - of course - was late on seeing me. It was about two that afternoon that he came by my room. He read over his notes, babbling away some far too technical words, and in short, I was told I would be able to go home in a few hours once my paperwork was shuffled around and my medicine was sorted.
Antibiotics for the next month, loads of fluids, rest and pain killers. No heavy lifting, no school for the next four weeks, and my own personal rule, no putting myself in harms way.

Oscar had called Grace a few times, eager to see how I was doing. Grace would tell him that I was doing fine and that I would be going home later in the day. He had asked a few times if he could come by and visit, but when she tilted the phone from her ear and asked if I was okay with it, I would vigorously shake my head, not ready. Grace did however, ask me about him.

"He feels differently about me than what I do with him" I told her as I sat up in my bed, fresh clothes on, waiting for discharge papers that allowed me to leave the hospital.

"Have you told him that?" Grace asked as Penny stuffed her face with chocolate she'd found in the vending machine downstairs

I shook my head "It's going to break his heart"

"The further you let it go on, the deeper it will break his heart" She replied wisely

"I know mum" I told her sarcastically

She rolled her eyes and stood, stretching her tired limbs out

I looked toward Penny, who obliviously sat at the end of the bed, shoving another row of top deck into her mouth, teasing me.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I shot towards her, her head perking up, cheeks full

She gave an attempted smile, her teeth coated in rich melted chocolate pieces

"I told Dad what happened, he told me I could take however many days off I needed to make sure you were okay" She shrugged, her words muffled and barely understandable.

I allowed a small laugh out, the simple movement hurting my insides.

It had been a long day, and by four pm, I was in dire need for a nap. I couldn't sleep, I imagined that my luck would be for me to fall asleep, only to be woken by my okay to leave, so I stayed alert, waiting.
Thankfully, by five, a different nurse waddled in, papers in hand. Together, her and Grace carefully maneuvered me into a wheelchair, the small trip itself painful and exhausting. I hadn't spent long in hospital during my stay, yet when the main doors opened and the sun outside fell on my cold skin, I felt a wave of relief and freedom. I could hear birds high above in the tree's, the breeze of warm air race against my face. I closed my eyes as I was pushed towards the car, just taking it all in. I couldn't wait to sit on my porch, nap, get better.

Just like getting into the wheelchair, it was difficult to get out into the car. It was going to be a long recovery.
While in the car with Penny and Grace, I rolled down my window and leaned my head back. The breeze rushed in, my nose growing cold, but my wounds appreciating the natural ice-pack.

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