Chapter Thirty Five - 'Beautiful'

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After my blood test, Phoenix drove us toward the city. It reminded me of my trip into town with Brody, but Instead of delving into the centre of life, we had ended up on the outskirts of it.
Phoenix had introduced me to a park, a wide open space of green grass and trekking paths, one of which led to the highest tip of town.
Instead of taking any of the paths in front of us, I had been led towards an off road track, ending up at the lowest point of town. Caves and rocks, pieces of nature that had been left untouched surrounded us.

Until late afternoon, we had explored and talked, enjoying the solitary time we had together. It was the first time we'd ever had such relaxed conversation. I took in every minute I could, making the most of what could have been our last moment together.
The closer the night became, my nerves grew. Phoenix was due to fight in less than 8 hours and I couldn't help but think of how it could end. I was concerned that I was getting to know someone that I could finally be myself around, only to lose him in such a brutal way.

Not once had discussion of the fight been spoken. I guessed that we had both been doing our best to avoid it.

"How do you think your sister will react?" Phoenix asked me as we sat side by side on a large rock that overlooked raw forestry that had yet to be plucked to pieces

I shrugged, dangling my legs "I don't know. I think she will be furious at first, but I really want to be honest with her, I want to be able to trust that she can accept it and move on. I want her to be with Jett, they're good for each other, he's good for her, I can see what it's done for her"

"I don't know a lot about her, but all I can imagine is her losing her mind. She won't ever allow you to be near me again once she finds out what I'm involved in, I'll end up in prison"

That was the part I was afraid of. It very well could happen the way he thought. Grace was very by the book, and yes, what Phoenix had been involved in, had gotten me into the dangers it had, but after tonight, that would be over, wouldn't it?

I was caught in the middle "I don't want to lie to her, but I don't want to risk you being sent to prison"

"If you chose to tell her, then you should know that I'll understand. I won't be angry or disappointed, I know what family means, and when you only have a small portion of it left, you do what you have to do to keep it close"

I looked towards his face, unbelieving of his perfect understanding "Where did you come from?" I smiled

"You really don't want to know" His lips lifted into a smile, a smile that to me, was rare and beautiful

This was how I wished it could be. Carefree and light, all the time, but reality was, it couldn't be.

"We should go" Phoenix stood, reaching out for my hand. I sighed and took it, the touch of his skin on mine something that was becoming more common.

Together we drove back to the gym warehouse. Each minute that passed, made me realise just how soon our tranquil moods were about to be crushed.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, unsure if Phoenix felt fear for the fights he endured

"A little" He shrugged, unlocking the gym door, only to have it swing open from the inside

"Well hello" Nova appeared playfully

I rolled my eyes, actually thankful he was here. Between Phoenix and Nova, I felt a hell of a lot calmer. These two boys, and Jett, were like my antidote to anxiety.

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