Chapter Thirteen - 'Race'

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Saturday morning, the best morning their ever was.

I had been awake for a good hour, but I hadn't moved. I lay curled in my bed, staring around my room, focusing one by one on inanimate objects, nostalgic.

Everything around me was still, quiet. Sun peeked in through my curtains, reminding me that a new day was here, waiting, testing me.

I had slept in longer than I had in at least 4 months. Penny had not yet messaged me, but I was expecting it once she awoke from her own sleep-in. She had mentioned that today Brad's brother would be competing at the local drag-way, yet another fun way for adrenaline junkies to release endorphins. Only this was legal. Drivers off the street were welcome to race - after an intricate car-check first of course. Brad's brother Brody had a 1992 Toyota Supra, his pride and joy from what I had overheard last night.

Today, I had a feeling that Penny would be inviting me, just to get me out of the house, away from trouble.

Through the silence, a shrill vibration shattered my lost space. It was my phone. I picked it up and pushed it to my ear.

"Hey" I answered

"Hello Eden" The voice on the other end politely greeted

"Gracelin, hi" My tone changed quickly as I sat up

"How are you?"

"Good" I half lied "And you?"

"Good. I have some news for you" She sounded different, happy


"I'm finishing up the Montreal case this afternoon, so I've been given some time off until the next case begins. Which means I'll be home tomorrow at about noon"

"That's great Grace" I told her, genuinely excited that I would be seeing her

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" She asked

"No I don't"

"Good, I'm taking you out for dinner"

I pulled myself out of bed, stretching "Sounds good. How long will you have off?"

"A few days, maybe a week" She answered, the bustle of the big city behind her

"That's great news" I smiled, moving into my bathroom

"Okay, well I thought I'd let you know, give you warning to shut the party down before I get home" She joked

"Okay, thank you for letting me know then" I laughed "I'll have the place clear by the time you get back"

"Sure, I'll see you then Eden Skye"

"See you then"

I placed my phone down on the bathroom bench, hanging up.

Her phone call had lifted my spirits. A distraction from what was going on across the road. It would be perfect until all the activity surrounding me died down. It would be back to normal in no time.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I realized just how happy I was. Today would be a good day. As would tomorrow and hopefully the rest of the week. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and re-entered my room, preparing myself for a shower.


Sitting at the dining room table, alone, eating my breakfast cereal, watching TV, my phone beside me rang. This time, it was Penny.

I placed it on loudspeaker, lazy.


"Hello there" She replied happily

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