Chapter Twenty One 'Threats'

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"Well, there's no one here" Phoenix told me as I sat on the couch, somewhat calm with the idea of no longer being alone

"Someone was here, someone was in my house" I told him again

"I've checked every room, every closest, under every bed, whoever was here isn't here anymore" He sighed as he stood with his hands on his hips

"I should call the police" I whispered, standing to enter the kitchen

"And tell them what?"

I pulled a water bottle from the fridge and slammed it down on the counter as he watched me "Someone was in my house Phoenix.."

"You left a door open, there was a bad storm and you momentarily lost power, what do you believe they are going to do for you?" He skeptically asked

I didn't want to believe him, but he was right. It could all realistically be linked to the wild weather. I had absolutely no proof. None that I could show them without opening a can of worms anyways.

I pulled my phone from my back pocket and opened my anonymous text, I set it down on the counter in between us, folding my arms angrily

"Looks like our buddies aren't finished with me just yet"

His eyebrows scrunched as he picked my phone up reading over the message I had received a few hours earlier

"Have you heard anything from them lately?" I asked, curious to know if he had in any way retaliated

"No, but I've been getting messages similar for a few weeks now.." He admitted rubbing the back of his neck

"Awesome" I sighed, leaning my head in my hands on the counter "Maybe they should have just killed me when they had the chance.." I mumbled into my palms, my eyes squeezed shut as I fought back a migraine

"Don't say shit like that Eden" Phoenix snapped

I looked up at him, he was more disheveled than I'd ever noticed before "I don't know what else it would take for it to just stop.. these experiences.. they're going to leave long term damage with me.."

"I'll deal with it" He mumbled, almost defeated

"Like you said you'd deal with it after I was attacked?" I snapped back, frustrated

"You were the one who told me not to go back after them Eden" He argued

I suddenly felt as though I'd been punched in the gut. I leaned over the counter again and held my stomach as though if I didn't, my organs would all fall out

"You should sit down, this stress can't be good for you" This time his voice was softer, I felt him move towards me, his hand on my lower back

"Even if I hadn't of been attacked, the stress wouldn't be good for me.." I retorted, standing and moving towards a counter stool

"Just sit" He instructed

I did as I was told, but not because he had told me to, but because I did genuinely feel ill

Seconds passed with silence hanging between us

"Where is your boyfriend by the way? I didn't see him leave" Phoenix suddenly said

I shot him a glare "Brody is a friend, why were you watching that closely anyways?"

He stood beside me, his arms folded over his chest with his back against the kitchen bench

All he did was shake his head, avoiding eye contact

"You're just going to ignore me?" I pushed after I realised he wasn't going to respond at all

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