Take Two

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A.N. Sorry about the late post everyone! Seizures are not very fun. Haha! -Q

A fic in the As You Wish~ Verse in which the Doctor decides to try the whole following orders thing again. This time with a bit less assholery.

Warnings: Mid Chapter Pronoun Switch, Typical Couple's Bickering, Memory Loss, Mentions Of Alagadda Gratuitous Kissing, Servitude, Femdom, Light Master/Servant, Formal Titles, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Fingering, Tentacles, Roleplay, Praise Kink, Humiliation, Inhuman Anatomy, Vibrators, Body Dysmorphia, Body Worship, Dirty Talk, Mid-Sex Dad Jokes, Waxplay, Temperature Play, Branding, Subspace, BDSM, Aftercare, Threats of Violence.


The Doctor's hand ran idly along Dýo's back, half focused on the drone of the television which was displaying an admittedly fascinating documentary about insects, and half observing the Mask's efforts at a manicure when corrosive kept dripping onto the nail polish, their face affixed into a somewhat frustrated frown as they diligently went about their work. The color was awfully pretty. At least he thought so. A nice, calm grey that was far less flashy than he would have ever expected from them.

"Yes! Fucking finally!" The  thespian exclaimed as they managed to fill in the last gap caused by their corrosive, their porcelain face twitching a little before jerking up into a victorious grin.

"It looks lovely on you, mon étoile." The Doctor praised, ruffling goop-matted hair before returning to his semi-diligent petting.

"Do you want some? It's easier to do on someone else."

Tempting. It really was a pretty grey. "No, thank you. I wouldn't want to ruin it during a surgery."

Dýo shrugged, being careful not to accidentally touch the couch with the drying polish "suit yourself."

They shifted in place a little, getting more comfortable then leaning to the side against the Doctor's stomach, nuzzling his hide. "Doc, can you change the channel?"

Ah, so that was  what the extra lovey-doveyness was for, "Why should I? I like this show."

"You're not even watching it!"

"I am watching it."

"Oh yeah? Name one thing that happened."

That was... a loaded question he was not prepared to answer. The Doctor had been watching it, yes, but it wasn't like he did so with as much rapt attention as the Mask devoted to that insufferable beach-show of theirs,  "There was a dung beetle at some point."

"That was literally an hour ago!"

"It most certainly was not."

The Mask grumbled in an unintelligible complaint, going quiet until the commercials when they seemed content to try again. "Look, it's over now! Can you change the channel?"

"But another one's going to start soon..."

"Doctor please it's boriiiiiiing" the Mask bemoaned, performing a flop of despair as best one could when they were already laying down and waiting for their nails to dry.

"Stop whining like a child, and perhaps I'll give you what you want."

The Thespian huffed and, apparently, decided that now was a perfect time to complain. "You never give me what I want."

The Doctor huffed a laugh, "And here I thought you were meant to be a good liar."

"It's the truth you asshole," The Mask argued, "You just say you will, and do fuck all anyway."

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