Epitaph of Anguish: Rejoined and Rejoicing

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The Doctor has returned, hurt but alive, and Anguish is allowed to feel a brief reprieve to misery

warnings: body possession, anal sex, fluff, Dyo is fuckin weird with the Doctor statues dude, two old assholes being cute


"Where is your room, my dear?" The words were murmured quietly against the ear of what had once been the Crack-ed man. The tears of both Anguish and the Doctor had long since subsided now, and the Black Lord was left feeling deeply tired, the exhaustion going beyond bone deep. Restoring memory had always taken a lot out of him, but emotions had run high as well, hence he was wearied both internally and externally, simply ready to collapse on the nearest flat surface and to, perhaps, sleep for a while.

"it's just down the hall, my doctor on the left hall from this room," said the ex-noble, preparing to lead his darling Wandsman there only to be scooped up like he weighed absolutely nothing. It was... strange. There was no pillow in between himself and the arms that cradled him, not to mention, he was bodyless no longer. Of course, being carted around by the small, delicate thing he'd fallen in love with, which used to not even be able to rest his head upon the lower shoulders of the noble Anguish had once been was also genuinely jarring.

The Doctor left that dreary throne room, following spoken directions until he was peeking into the Black Lord's messy, windowless bedchamber. He was silent for a moment, then made an odd, upset creaking sound "I think not. We shall go somewhere else." and so they did, the Wandsman moving down the hall and either not noticing or perhaps ignoring how flushed Anguish was as he walked past servant after servant until he located a guest room that, apparently, was adequate.

He stepped inside at that point, taking a short detour to look out at a garden that Dýo barely remembered asking to have put in. He then set the former Noble on the bed, joining him not long after. "There," the Wandsman sighed, "Is this not better?"

"It... It is," Anguish admitted, slinging one arm around the Doctor's waist, the other reaching for wings that simply weren't there anymore before he caught his folly and simply let it go limp over his darling. "If only because I am here with you again, my love." Even if, for that same reason, he found himself wanting to march down to the King's Court and wring the Ambassador's neck. Even if the Doctor's wingless form made his heart feel like it was breaking in two, and made him remember the events of that day all too clearly.

He looked up from where his hand had travelled, instead into the eyes of his love and saw the utmost warmth and affection there, even if it was backed with pain. His hatred faded, then, and Anguish slowly moved his head forward in spite of the burn of his own corrosive flowing through the host he'd surely become one with only temporarily, his porcelain lips scraping lightly against the Wandsman's beak. "By the king, I missed you...

"Ah, my love... and to think you were the piece of my heart gone that made me feel so alone for all this time... come here, and allow me to hold you." strong arms pulled the ex-noble closer, cold porcelain pressing against strangely lukewarm skin. He was safe here next to thisman he'd carried and loved on for so long. Perhaps damaged beyond repair, perhaps hurting always and forever, but he was safe enough that such could be pushed to the back of his mind for a while, the comforting embrace all that mattered to him now.

The Doctor drifted off, the Black Lord feeling his breaths deepen and even out, clawed fingers still settled lovingly on the porcelain back of the body the ex-noble had stolen. Anguish... couldn't sleep. His body burned as it always did, the tearing ache of phantom limbs backing it so strongly it wearied him beyond belief, and yet too much so to allow him to drift off. He thought on the pain for a while... wondering.

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