Brimming with Love Sweet as Syrup

377 8 168

Distance does make the heart grow fonder.


The Doctor gasped into Dýo's mouth as the Mask's palm ground roughly against his groin, a shudder crawled up his spine. "Fuck, Darling, again?"

"I didn't get to top last time," they pouted, "It's my rightful turn. Besides, you've been all over me even after this morning. Can you really blame me for getting ideas?"

The Doctor huffed his annoyance, then quickly bit his lip to stifle a moan as his love's thumb came up and fondled the thin, sensitive corner of his skirt seam. "It wasn't sexual. I was just loving on you. I... I feel as though we never see one another anymore."

Dýo's smile faltered for a brief moment, halting their teasing and slinging their arms loosely about the professional's waist. For a short timr, they said nothing, their expression heavy with guilt, and.their presence within the Doctor's mind searching for hurt or offense "Yeah, I know... I promise, it won't be like this for much longer. I just need to prepare for a little something, okay, hon? I think you're really going to like it once it's ready."

He tilted his head, unable to help but let a thousand guesses swirl through his mind, purposefully scraping together things that were more and more ridiculous until the mask's shame lifted and a smile played at the corners of their porcelain lips.

"No, nothing like that. That's cute, though." they murmured, nuzzling against his collarbone "I know you said you didn't intend this to be sexual. Do you want to just cuddle, instead? I got us a new movie the other day if you want to see it."

There was a surge of panic for the sake of the professional's own hard-on. "Oh! No, we still can. I'd like to, in fact. Perhaps we can watch that movie and such... after?" it was hard to miss that lecherous grin as Dýo tilted his head up.

"I see." They moved away, eying the doctor like a fine cut of Wagyu. It was the sort of look that was far more than enough to send the bird's legs subtly splitting to prepare for when the mask came forward, that cold, rattling breath tickling his lower lip as Dýo's hand, rather than tending to his aching cock, slipped between the folds of his upper robe, sliding up the soft, sensitive skin of his abdomen just to make the doctor's back arch, then coming to rest upon his pectorals. "So much for that reluctance act, huh, Doc?"

The doctor's brow raised as he tousled their goop-saturated, somewhat sweat-dampened hair. "I don't act, my love. That is your job."

"Wooooow, Doc. Wrongly describing your partner's profession and everything? And here I thought better of you," Dýo sighed dramatically, "I don't act, dear. I Perform."

The plague doctor chuckled softly, catching the nicely carved chin of that pretty, porcelain mask and tilting Dýo's head back to open enough space that he could finagle his beak into a safe position and nip at his love's throat "Do you? Seeing how your 'performance' has only consisted of you fondling me thus far, I'll admit I'm a bit doubtful."

The mask pouted, "I thought doctors were supposed to be patient. I'm only trying to enjoy myself."

"By... Positioning yourself for some of the most wide- armed chest compressions I've ever witnessed?"

"Ooh~ That would be kinky. You wanna play dead, Doc, so your lord can bring you back to life with some mouth to mouth?~"

The worst part about Dýo's vast range of sexual interests was that the Doctor genuinely could not tell if that was a joke or not. "... Sometimes, darling, I truly wonder about you," he admitted, "Still, I feel I must give an apology, dear, but I trust fellow medical professionals far more than the nobility"

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