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In which the Doctor oversteps, Raymond gets revenge, and Dýo simply has a wonderful time.

A.N.: The real april fool here was me for thinking i could be normal enough about these three to post something small on time for the holiday for real.

Warnings: polycule relationship, bdsm, relationship insecurity, choking, hair pulling, vibrators, edging, practical sex ed.


It was no secret that both the Doctor and Dýo were some of the kinkiest, most endlessly horny people that Raymond Hamm had ever met. It was like living with a pair of rabbits mid breeding season, the ex-scientist's afternoons often  given the background percussion of a creaking bed, moans of varying volume, and, sometimes, even the sharp crack of a flog on skin. It had been something that had tinged his face pink at the beginning. It would make warmth crawl down his throat and have the front of his pants tightening. Back then, it had made him question everything he knew about himself, his mind still trapped between it's open adoration for the surgeon and slowly lowering apprehension towards the mask,  and the dawning horror that he'd abandoned his profession, his stability, his life to run off with the same anomalies that he'd sworn to contain just because one was sweet and charming and made him feel more desired than he ever had and the other promised begrudgingly not to kill him with their fingers crossed behind their back.

Of course, that had been then. This was now. This was different. Now, his life wasn't built on a shaky platform of a begrudging truce, but instead was more peaceful than it ever had been before. Now, as the unmistakable thud of the headboard against the wall sounded from the bedroom, he barely batted an eye as he penned in a '7' into his daily sudoku. Now, about a third of the time, he was included in the same debauchery that had his stomach churning in shame two years ago. Of course, he'd never been given the opportunity to join in on the more... extreme ventures the Doctor and  Dýo took part in. At first, Raymond had assumed they simply didn't trust him enough to include him. Eventually, though, they'd both began trusting him with matters they blatantly considered far more volatile than what they got up to in the bedroom. When that theory proved false, the ex-scientist thought neither wanted to make him uncomfortable... something so embarrassingly easily disproven with the simple fact that the surgeon would casually sit on his lap to read erotica and the mask would occasionally put hardcore porn up on the television for the entire household to listen to he was genuinely ashamed to have thought for even a second that neither of his partners would have asked him to join in had he been welcome. Hell, Dýo probably would have paid a plane banner company to fly the message right over the house just for the theatrics of it.

For a long time, with every other possibility he could think of thoroughly disproven, Dr. Hamm finally figured that, for whatever reason, the Doctor and Dýo simply didn't want him there. It was something he was content with, mostly, though he found himself occasionally met with a twinge of jealousy when he saw the Doctor hazy and pliant in the aftermath of whatever it was the two anomalies had been up to, bundled up to his beak in soft blankets, or when a streak of Dýo's... less than stable mood took a turn for the worst was swiftly ended so spectacularly that the mask would go from starting verbal fights just for the fun of it to cuddling on the couch, domesticated and docile within a matter of hours. That, of course, was merely what Raymond had seen. What he heard only served to taunt him more. Absolutely deplorable dirty talk... desperate begging... every variety of gasp, moan, keen, whimper, scream, practically every sex noise in the goddamn book with a few that hadn't even graced the pages before. It was world's dirtiest podcast, and Raymond listened to it religiously, sometimes half ignoring it while he went about his day, other times plunging a hand into his pants to relieve the aching pressure of his cock against the fabric of his trousers. 

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