Epitaph of Anguish: Unremembered a Night, Forever Known a Union

367 7 212

In which two forces join in hand and in the bedroom

Warnings: lots and lots of Elizabethan English, weird Alagaddan devotion ritual, 049 being suggestive, Consumating, implied/referenced masturbation, buttplug, fingering, weird anatomy, cloaca, drastic size difference, first time dom, riding, 049 being a size queen, cum inflation.


"I wanteth tae doeth this." The Wandsman said, certainly.

The heart of the Black Lord hammered, pure, genuine want thrumming through his very soul. ever since the Doctor had learned of the idea of pledging, he'd been practically obsessed with it. Frequent questions as to what it did, what it meant, what it felt like. Things which, for the most part, the never-pledged noble could even begin to know beyond the rare trickle of information that made it to his lower court. It was a private matter. Simply not talked about. Especially not between those of higher seating whom posed much more risk when it came to the potential mutual weakening that came with it.

Still... His court doctor's questions inspired quite the infectious curiosity - he often did, in fact - and it was enough to serve as something of a call to action, the Black Lord Scouring his own libraries until he managed to hunt down a book or two on the subject, and found himself them during them in between the lulls of the Wandsman's departure and his patronage to the now rather bustling city theatre that he had been supporting for some thirty eight years now.

He recalled being apprehensive at first. There was simply so much risk involved and even with his now vanquished ailment far in the past, the Anguished Lord still struggled some to keep his place upon his seat under the inspecting glares of the other three humors. He could only imagine how quickly he would be usurped if he were to weaken. However... The more he read into things, the more he realized just how wrong his previous conceptions were, and the more alluring the process became. It was hardly an intended loss of power, but rather a symbolic equalness that came hand and hand with an evened playing field, not to mention a true, eternal conjoinment thought to be true only to the Hang'd one and his peoples. Even as he ruminated on the potential, devastating loss for himself, the Noble found himself only growing more giddy at the thought of what peace it would bring to his mind to see his Wandsman being capable of protecting himself. That point was when he'd told the Doctor, of course, and then, for the odd, otherdimensional man, it became a mere, simplistic question of 'when?'

The Fourth of Four was giddy. Truly elated, really, but even now, a good two years after that query of 'when?' there was always the question as to whether or not his court doctor truly wanted to go through with such a commitment, or if this was merely some sort of placation. Something the Wandsman somehow believed was owed due to his long stretches of absence.

A small, soothingly cold hand lightly squeezed one of his secondary set, "ist thou well, mon cher?"

"... Art thy c'rtain thy wanteth this?" the Noble asked, directly, "Prithee. I pray I shouldst knoweth. I wanteth only f'r thee to feel valorous, wheth'r yond wilt be with 'r without a Pledge"

"Aye, sir. I want'th 't. M're than aught, M're than aught in the w'rld, prithee believe mine w'rd."

The Anguished lord leaned down, pressing his lips upon the doctor's beak, deeply assured with the Wandsman's enthusiasm, "Thus th're is nothing wrong, f'r i am the happiest I might ev'r be."

The Doctor nodded, tilting his head back so that his beak scraped against the Noble's porcelain lips, then he stepped away, nearing the edge of the freshly lit circle of candles, his appendages- wings, he'd said they were called, glinting and glittering in the firelight as he delicately scooped powdered Hematite into his cupped hand from an ornate, traditional bowl made of a carved skull-cap, returning in an unhurried gait, to his previous position, and crouching to pick up a second bowl, this one full of a mixture of finely crushed Lazuli.

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