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Between the world tours and the amazing fans there were days without sleep, no respect for privacy, and people who never even heard about boundaries.

Interviewer: Robaire, you are a real heart stopper. How many hearts have you broken during your career?

Robaire stared at the ground with a shy smile. It seemed cute on camera but All the other 4town members knew better. They know Robaire doesn't like telling personal stuff about himself.

Robaire: n-not really, we never really have time for stuff like that

Interviewer: Oh come on, there has to be someone, with all those lovey dovey songs you write, there as to be someone you think about while you write them.

Robaire: nope I'm just a hopeless romantic I guess

Interviewer:Is there someone not so special then?*winking*

Robaire had a confused look on his face

Robaire: What do you mean?

Interviewer: Well you know, with how famous you guys are you got to go to a lot of parties and events right? There has to be a time you had a little fun with a girl who threw herself at you

You could see the red blush on robaire's dark skin, everyone had a uncomfortable look on their face from the interviewers disgusting question

Robaire: No, like I said before we don't do that. We never have the time to go to parties and women don't really "throw themselves on me"

Interviewer: Oh you don't have to lie we're all having fu-

Before the interviewer could finish the sentence T cut him off.

Aaron t.: He already said NO twice, can you stop pushing it, dang 🙄

Jesse: * whispering* Calm down man

Interviewer: I was just joking, don't worry T.

Aaron t.: ...

The interview had continued like normal until interviewer tried to ask Jesse some questions about his kids, he made it clear he doesn't answer questions about them in interviews.

The rest of the interview was filled with more questions about their music, tours, and next performance information

Z answered all the questions about their new dance routine. Showing a little preview.

And then the interviewer went to Tae young

Interviewer: Tae young, With all honesty. Having you ever had sex?

Tae had turned beat red, not knowing what to say

Tae looked at all them for support and T. Knew he had to do something

Aaron t.: Do you think this stuff is funny cause it's really not, can you just stop

The interviewer let out a short sigh and rolled his eyes

Interviewer: Like I said before it's just a joke. These are the questions the world is asking

Aaron t.: Tae young is 16, the "world" should be asking such pervert questions about a minor or anyone in fact

T tried to stand up and will smith that pervert but was stopped by Jesse and Aaron z.

Aaron t.: *whispering* Mierda 🙄

Aaron z.:  don't do anything stupid

Robaire looked at the situation and knew it was time to get outta there.

Robaire: it's getting late I think it's time for us to leave, sorry to cut you interview short.

Tae stood up emotionless, still stunned by the question

T. Had to get dragged out by Z.

As soon as the boys got in the car Z. let go of T. and Tae seemed to calm down a little but his face was still red.

Robaire was just sitting next to Tae, trying to calm him down.

Their driver didn't say a word

Everyone was silent until

Tae: should I have just told them?

Everyone was shocked by the youngest members words

Tae: I mean it's not that embarrassing to be a 16 year old boy and a virgin right?

His face was still really red

Aaron t.: no no no Tae you shouldn't have to tell that, it private, that interviewer was in the wrong for asking you that

Aaron z.: yeah but T. You didn't have to get that angry

T. Was shocked

Aaron t. Oh I'm sorry was I just supposed to let them verbally assault Tae Tae??

He was insulted, how was this his fault

Robaire: of course not, just .... There's better ways to get your points across, we have a platform, we could use lose fans for pulling shit like this.

Aaron t.: well it's just annoying that they never stop doing this, we told them countless times to not talk about personal stuff like Jesse's kids and they never stop, they don't respect us.

Jesse: T. Ik bu-

Aaron t.: what do you want me to do just take it, we'll I can't, I can't just take it when they asked if Jesse kids are legal yet or when they make fun of Z.'s mixed race family or when they ask about tae's innocence or when they say robaire must get all the bitches or when they make fun of me for being adopted ok I just can't and I won't and are real fan would agree with me"

Everyone was stunned by T.'s rant

Aaron t. : I'm sorry I just can't

T. Had tears in his eyes at that point

It was silent for a long time

Tae went to sit next to T. And hugged him

Tae young: Thank you................ Thanks for being you.


I got this idea from a fan fictions on ao3
The creator name is GolldenVallion
Go check them out

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