Single father

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Jesse and beautiful girlfriend/mother of his kids/ light of his life were on their monthly date catching up on life

Jesse: so baby how have you been it's great to see you

Suzanne(sad): oh I've been fine the kids are always listening to your songs and watching y'all on TV

Jesse: awww I love those little bundles of cuteness.

Suzanne: yeah but I need to tell you som-

Waiter: hello my name is Victor, I'll be your waiter for today. Can I start you off with drinks

They both turned to the waiter

Jesse: I'll get coke *turns to Suzanne* what would you like.

Suzanne: oh um water please

Victor: ok I'll be right back with your drinks

Both: thank you

Jesse looks at Suzanne and gives her full attention.

Jesse: so what did you want to talk about

Suzanne: oh yeah, well... you know how we don't see each other oft-

Jesse: oh yeah I'm so glad you're ok with that, it's just with 4town and all the meetings and interviews it's hard to find time.

Suzanne(mumbling): but I'm not ok

Jesse(confused): what was that

Suzanne: I said I'm not ok with it

Jesse: wait wha-

Suzanne: I think we should break up

Victor: ok I have your dri-

Jesse and Suzanne looked at victor, Jesse already having tears in his eye

Victor: I-I'll come back in a few minutes

Victor fast walks out of the situation

Victor: why do I always get the break up dates🙄

Jesse felt like his whole world was falling apart. How could Suzanne want to break up, they've been together since sophomore year of high school, how could she want to end things we've been through everything together from being homeless after college to him in a famous boy band.


Jesse: w-what do you mean you want to break up we've been t-together for years

Suzanne: I know Jesse and I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore

Jesse: do what??

Suzanne: THIS

Everyone stared at Suzanne

Suzanne blushed and waited for everyone to go back to their own table discussions

Suzanne: I can't do this anymore, these monthly dates, seeing people thirst after you online, getting left on voicemail because your always too busy

Jesse: I can fix that I promise we can go on more dates, I'll always answer the phone, I'll even tell the Jesse simps to stop.... Just please..... don't leave me.

Jesse had tears coming down his face, this was the worst pain we ever felt, the pain of heartbreak

Suzanne: I'm really sorry Jesse but I just can't do it anymore

Suzanne could barely look at Jesse she always hated seeing him cry and couldn't believe it was her fault he was crying

Jesse: w-what about the k-kids?

Suzanne: I've done some thinking, how about I get them when your on tour and you get them when the band is taking a break

Jesse: *sniffle* can I get them on the days in between the tour too

Suzanne: I-I'll think about

Jesse: *breaths in* are you sure you want to do this

Suzanne stopped for a moment

Suzanne: to be honest I don't know but what I do know is I need a break

Jesse: ok

Suzanne: I think I should leave

Suzanne walks out the restaurant and calls someone to pick her up

Jesse watched her leave, he still couldn't believe it

Victor: hey, just to let you know, she made a big mistake, cause you fine asf😘


Jesse was driving home still not taking in what just happened

When he got home he stayed in the car for what felt like hours

He finally gets the power the walk in his house


Jesse froze

All the tears that he was trying to hide came full surface

He fell to his knees and started to bawl


This was a request from @-NEKOMA

Like and comment if you want a part 2

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