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Sometimes Aaron Z. Was jealous of the other people of 4town.

Don't get him wrong he loved not being in the public eye as much as everyone else but he also wants to feel important too.

Sure he was a little shy and didn't like physical contact that much but he does love feeling appreciated

So when they do meet and greets and everyone else's line is longer than his it really hurt him.

And he gets really angry at the others sometimes for being more famous than him but he knows they didn't do it on purpose.

When he gets really angry he likes to put all his anger on paper and put it in his desk, so he can relieve the anger without confronting the others.

He has a paper for everyone in 4town plus himself. He only writes on them when he feels jealous, is just angry at one of them for something they did, when he feels like he shouldn't have done better at something, or when he just feels like complaining.

It's basically his way of releasing stress

When he's done he puts deep in the drawer of his desk so no one will ever find them.

Until today

Aaron Z. was visiting his family for the day cause they came to see his concert.

While he was gone T. Went in his room, he was looking for clothes to clean since we was bout to do the laundry.

Went he didn't find anything dirty he start just snooping around.

He saw that Z.'s desk drawer was open and walked to it

Aaron T.: I wonder what choreography Z.'s coming up with?

T. Sits at the desk and goes through the drawers.

Nothing out of the ordinary; pencils, pictures of dancers, family letters, some snacks *he'll take some later*

T. Rummaged through the desk and eventually found 5 folded pieces of paper in the far back.

Each had a member of 4town's name on the front.

Aaron T.: *mumbling* what's this?

T. First opened the paper with his name on it.

His eyes widened as he read what was in it.

Z. Didn't like that he was always telling jokes?  T. thought he loved his jokes. Or his style? What's wrong with T.'s style. His hat was his statement piece thank you very much.

Aaron T.: what is this, does Z. Not like me?

His eyes began to water.

Jesse: T. did you get Z.'s dirty clothes?

Jesse walked in to see a sad T. Holding a paper with his name on it.

Jesse: T. What are you reading?

Aaron T.: I don't know this was just in Z.'s desk. He has one for all of us.

Jesse looked even more confused.

Jesse: one of what?

T. Threw the paper with Jesse's name on it at him hitting his nose.

Aaron T.: see for yourself

Jesse rubbed his nose

Jesse: ok first ow

Jesse picked up the paper and unfolded it, his eyes widened the same way T.'s did.

Z. Thought Jesse was to old to be in a boy band?
Where was this coming from? And he didn't like babysitting? What his kids ever do to him?

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