No reason

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Aaron T. Woke up just not feeling it today.

Nothing bad had happened- at least he thought- or anything he just wasn't feeling like his funny self

He got outta bed slowly, rubbing his eyes. Took a shower, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day

Robaire was already in the kitchen making himself some coffee when T. Walked in.

Robaire: hey T. Good morning

T. didn't have the energy to reply with a normal Aaron T. respond.

Aaron T: mhmm

Robaire gave T. a confused look.

Robaire: are you ok, you're usually the perkiest in the morning.

T. Looked at robaire

Aaron T.: I don't know, I'm just not feeling it today you know.

Robaire looked at T. Sadly, T. is always the member who makes everyone happy and the out going fun one. Was there something bothering him?

Robaire: is there a reason for this?

T. Shrugged,

Aaron T.: no, at least I think not, I guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Robaire got a idea

Robaire: Do you wanna cuddle on the couch and watch a movie until everyone else wakes up?

T. Blushed, then thought

Aaron T.: y-yeah, that sounds nice.

Robaire and T. Spent the rest of their morning close together watching the goofy movie.

I'm really running out of idea but this one just came to me🥰

Requests are needed 😘

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