Daddy day

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It has been 3 weeks since Suzanne broke up with Jesse.

He was still hurt but was learning to deal with it.

But he had to put his feelings aside because today, today was daddy day.

Suzanne was bringing his kids over for the weekend and he couldn't be happier but it was gonna be hard for him.

Because for him to see his kids he would have to see Suzanne.

It was gonna be hard, but to spend time with his kids, he'd do anything.

Jesse: ok Suzanne should be coming with the kids any minute now.

Jesse told the rest of 4town, they have been very supportive and helpful to him while he's getting over his relationship. He couldn't thank them enough.

Robaire: are you gonna be ok? It's only been 3 weeks.

Aaron Z.: yeah I can answer the door if it would be too hard for you.

Jesse considered it for a moment then shook his head

Jesse: no no I'll be fine they're my kids and I want to be the first to see them.

Everyone nodded until they heard the doorbell.

Jesse froze, they're here.

Jesse breathed in silently and walked to there front door.

He quickly breathed out and opened the door.

Kids: DADDY!!!!!

Two kids- a 5 year old and a 3 year old - ran and hugged their fathers legs each attached to one.

Jesse smiled

Jesse: hello my beautiful babies.

Jesse kissed both of their foreheads

Suzanne: (quietly) hi Jesse

Jesse looked up and blushed

Suzanne was just beautiful, her deep brown eyes. Her coily long hair, her gorgeous brown skin, even her freckles were stunning.

Jesse couldn't believe it, he lost this perfect of a woman and was never getting her back. How was he supposed to get over THAT???

Jesse: hey Suzanne um how's it been

Ugh he was so awkward

Suzanne: I've been good, you?

Jesse: I'm alright

Well this was a good start at least they can talk in person.

Suzanne: well I gotta go

Suzanne kneels to the kids

Suzanne: bye babies mommy loves you.

Kids: bye bye momma

Suzanne stood up and looked at Jesse.

Suzanne: be careful ok

Jesse rolled his eyes

Jesse: they'll be fine Annie

Jesse felt weird using her nickname but Suzanne didn't seem to mind.

Suzanne gave Jesse a look and walked to her car, waved a final goodbye and drove off.

Jesse watched her leave until her car was out of view, closed the door and waddled to living room with each child on his leg.

The older one, Brooklyn, saw Aaron T. And ran to him.


T. Has always been Brooklyn's favorite she always loved his energy and his personality.

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