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Robaire is the leader. That's for certain, he sings the best, dances the best-if we don't count Z.- and has his life all worked out

Or so it seems

Today was a day like no other, 4towns next tour starts next week and there were a lot of preparations that needed to be done

Jesse finished writing the songs with some help from T., Z. was ready to show the band what he came up with for the routine, and Tae young had been doing promotions on every social media account he owned.

And then there was robaire.

Robaire is basically the second manager of the group, he set the schedule, booked the places, picked the music, hired the photographer for their photo shoots, and on top of that had to make sure his voice was on point for tour.

He didn't even know why they hired Rebecca.

While practicing his vocals for the billionth time robaire hears the house phone ring.

Robaire: Hello Robaire from 4town speaking

Caller: hello this is Sebastian, the photographer you hired, I'm calling to let you know I have to cancel the appointment.

Robaire heart dropped down to his ankles

Robaire: what do you mean you're canceling the appointment, I hired you two months ago, the photo shoot is tomorrow, my tour is next week, I need these pictures to be on billboards Monday

Sebastian: I'm really sorry but unfortunately something has come up and I won't be available tomorrow

Robaire: well what do you expect I do, I can't hire anyone else in such short notice.

Sebastian: with all do respect sir, that isn't my problem * hangs up *

Robaire was at a loss of words

What was he supposed to do now, he can't hire a new photographer by tomorrow no matter how famous he is.

Without the photo shoot they won't have anything to put on all the billboards he rented and without that no one will know about their tour and then no one will show up and then their loss hella money and everyone's time would be wasted and everyone will be so mad and it would all be his fault.

Robaire was close to having a panic attack

Jesse: *walks in living room* hey ro me and T. Just finished the so-

Jesse froze

Robaire was hyperventilating, with tears on his cheeks

Jesse: hey hey ro what's wrong?

Robaire looked at Jesse and tried to muster an answer

Robaire: Th-the pho-photographer canc-canceled

Jesse gave robaire a sympathetic look, was he really this worked up over a photo shoot? They have them all the time.

Jesse: it's ok ro-

Robaire: no it's not, I bought over 150 billboards around the the world and now we don't have anything to put on them.

Robaire started crying

Jesse felt so bad for him, was he always this worked up about something so minor?

Jesse: d-do you want a hug

Robaire stared at Jesse, then he nodded

Jesse wrapped with hands around robaire in a tight embrace and let him cry.

Soon robaire returned the hug and the feeling he felt didn't seem as heavy.

Tae young walks in with T. And Z. Following

Tae young: I just posted on every account I have what else should I .... Oh

All there eyes widened at the rare view of Jesse hugging a teary eyed robaire.

Aaron T.: aww 🥰 GROUP HUG

Everyone laughed as he joined in followed by Tae and Z.

They stayed there for what felt like hours in a long comfortable silence.

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