Chapter 12

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"Raven," Headmaster Grimm said. "Please have a seat."
Raven reluctantly walked to the chair beside Apple and Dexter and sat.
"Now Miss Queen. It has come to my attention that-"
"I'm telling you, I didn't do it!"
"Do NOT interrupt me when I am talking!" Raven cringed with fear. She hated this. She hated everything that was happening. She looked at Dexter, who was looking away.
"You pushed Apple off the west balcony. Can you explain WHY you did such a thing?"
Raven groaned. "You didn't hear me. I said I didn't do it."
"Perhaps you were actually following your destiny?" Headmaster Grimm said.
Raven looked at him coldly with her dark purple eyes. "Don't."
They sat there silently for a few moments. Headmaster Grimm opened his mouth to say something but Dexter interrupted. "You're upsetting her. Just stop."
Raven looked down at her feet and crossed her arms. She was shaking, so hard it looked like she was cold. But she was holding in the fury she had inside of her.
"Apple, would you mind telling me exactly what happened?"
"Well," Apple started. "I actually lost my memory at the hospital. But this Blondie girl told me that Raven pushed me off he balcony."
Dexter and Raven looked up at her simutaneously.
Raven couldn't hold it in anymore. She ran out of the Headmasters office, ignoring the calls of her name. She stormed to Blondie's big room where she ran her MirrorCast and kicked open the doors. Her hair flaming, she yelled, "BLONDIE!!"
Blondie looked terrified. She started to run away, but Raven got to her first.
She pinned her to the wall. Blondie cried out from Raven's flaming hands and hair.
In a split second, everyone was crowded in the room. Raven just stared at Blondie's wet face, streaming with tears. Raven let go of her and her angry face turned into a frown. She fell to her knees. Dexter made his way through the crowd. He kneeled down next to her. "Raven! What's the matter?"
Raven then realized. People were telling her all along.
"I am just like my mother." She whispered. "What?!" Dexter said.
Raven started crying. She thought of herself as a monster.
"Raven, talk to me!!" She kept crying. She rest her head on his chest and hugged him.
"Raven, stop crying! You aren't like your mother. You're not cold and heartless!
What you did... Is just human nature."
Raven didn't stop crying.
"Raven..." Dexter looked up in thought. He lifted her chin. "Raven," he said, staring into her eyes, "don't cry. Don't care about what other people think. You know you aren't like your mother at all. The only similarity is your powers."
Raven tried to look away, but she couldn't. His eyes were his charm. "Raven,". He said.
Headmaster Grimm burst through the crowd. Dexter and Raven were broken from their trance.
Everyone shrieked and gasped and cried. Some cheered.
"What?!" Raven cried. "You can't. Dexter didn't do anything!"
"Ive had enough of this nonsense," Headmaster Grimm said. "I'm expelling you. You're on your own. Disappear, I DONT CARE! Just get out of my school!!"
Maddie suddenly stepped up. "If they're going, I am too!" Then Cerise came. "And me."
Ashlynn and Hunter stepped up too. "And us!" Soon almost all the rebels were stepping up to leave.
But they were expecting two other people. Everyone looked at Duchess and Briar.
They sighed, looked at each other, and stepped up.
Headmaster Grimm chuckled. Then laughed. Then cackled. He cackled as if he was insane.
Then he started crying. "Get. Out. Now."
All of them ran out of the school, retreating to the Enchanted Forest.
They sat around in silence.
**two days later**
Briar's mom happily let everyone stay in her home. Now all the rebels live together again, this time, without controversy, or hate, or anything. Just peace.
Raven and Dexter stood on the roof of Briar's home. The sun was going down and everyone else was getting ready for dinner.
"Dexter," Raven said. " I remember the first time I saw you. You were... Weird."
Dexter blushed. "The first time I saw you I fell in love with you."
"When you wrote that poem," Raven said, smiling, "I finally realized my feelings for you. Then I saw you with Cupid... But I know that's over."
Dexter laughed. "So this is what it feels like. We went through all this just to be free."
Raven looked at Dexter. "That's what the Rebels' goals were the whole time."
Dexter held both of Raven's hands. "I think I am officially a Rebel now."
Raven smiled. "Really? So now, I can do this without feeling guilty."
Raven closed the space between their faces and passionately kissed Dexter. Their hearts raced as they kissed. When they stopped, they didn't separate their faces.
They kissed again.

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