Chapter 7

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"Seriously Johnny?" I ask wrapping my jacket closely around my body, he goes underneath the police tape and holds it up for me

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"Seriously Johnny?" I ask wrapping my jacket closely around my body, he goes underneath the police tape and holds it up for me. I duck under it and look out into the dark woods "what the hell are we doing out here?" I say, Johnathan leads the way before stopping, crouching down and snapping a photo of a few broken twigs.

He stands back up and looks over at me "looking for clues." He answers and I snort, holding my body to keep the warmth in "looking for clues." I mutter mostly to myself "like we are some time of detective agency." My friend shoots me a glare as though he heard what I said and I throw up my hands "just say."

He turns back around and says something quietly I can't quite pick it up before continuing further into the forest. He takes another photo, of an abandoned tire this time and I ground my teeth together. Most friends go to fun places like the park, or the arcade but of course I had to be best friends with the one person in town who wants go to the fucking woods.

Johnathan takes another photo just at the same time as a woman starts to scream causing us both to turn around to where the noise is coming from. "Did you hear that?" He asks and I nod, biting the inside of my cheek "definitely heard that."

The girl screams again and we take off running. Through the damn woods. We stop when we enter a clearing, there is a house. And there stands Tommy, his arms wrapped around Carol and he is pretending that he is going to throw her in. "Jesus." I say running a hand through my hair "if I knew it was them I wouldn't have wasted my time."

Then I notice Steve drinking a beer from the side of the can instead of the top. Attractive. I pat my friend on the shoulder "come on let's go." Jonathan shakes me off and I frown "you go ahead, I'll catch up." I pause, staring at him for a few more moments before caving and rubbing my forehead "fine, but if you are not back in 10 minutes, I'm going home. It's fucking freezing." He nods his like he understands and I head back to the car.


At school I spot Nancy walking down the hallway by herself, I walk over to her and nudge her shoulder "hey Nance, you alright?" She seems to be in a bit of a daze but snaps out of it, shaking her head and looking at me "what?" She asks. I clutch the strap of my bag in my hand "I said, you alright?" I repeat. She shrugs and looks from side to side, hunting for somebody "yeah..." she trails off, in deep thought.

We get to her locker and she opens it, about to put her books in when Steve comes over slamming the door against another locker making her jump. I've never seen Nancy quite so on edge. "Hey." Harrington greets his girlfriend, his eyes flicking to me for a brief moment and I look away "hey!" Nancy says laughing nervously.

"Is everything ok?" He asks the same question I did a few moments ago "yeah!" She says more enthusiastically than with me. She is definitely hiding something. "I just..." Nancy says leaning against the wall of lockers "I feel like everyone is staring at me." I roll my eyes at how obviously in love Nancy is with Steve and I quietly excuse myself.

On the way to the bathroom I swear I see a familiar dark figure standing at the end of the hall. This makes me freeze but once a guy passes through my vision the figure as disappeared. I shiver and almost race towards the bathroom.

I go into an empty stall and lock it tightly, I then open my bag and take out my gun, checking it's loaded. I am still freaked out by what I saw, or think I saw so I go through the calming motions of taking the gun apart and putting it back together again.

When that's done I slide it back into my bag and unlock the stall door. I go over to the sink and lean over it, staring at myself in the mirror. My hair is done in a high ponytail to keep it out of my face, my eyes are wide, panic lacing every inch of them. I need to get myself together. He isn't here. He can't be. And even if he is, I've beaten him before. Hand to hand anyway.

I let out a breath and close my eyes, counting to 10 slowly before opening my eyes again. The bell rings signalling the beginning of school and I head to class trying to ignore the sick feeling in my stomach.


"It's a heated pool." Tommy says as Nancy and I sit down at their table. I didn't want to sit with them, I am happy to sit by myself but Nancy being Nancy practically forced me to the table in an army match. "I don't care what it is." Steve says wrinkling his nose "it's disgusting!" Carol has her leg up on the table revealing a red spot on her ankle "get it off the table. We're eating here."

She takes it off the table. "hey Tommy. When you left, did you see Barb?" Nancy asks casually, Tommy stuffs his face with food and asks "what?" I roll my eyes and set my hands on the table "Barbara?" I clarify and my friend adds "she's not here today." Tommy holds up another forkful of food and says rather condescendingly "I seriously have no idea who you're talking about." And he and Carol start to laugh.

"Come on man." Steve says "don't be an ass. Did you.... Did you see her leave last night or what?" I am again surprised that he stuck up for Nancy against his friends, I guess there might be some form of a gentleman behind that facade after all. Tommy turns serious and answers "no, she was gone when we left." Carol nods, swallowing her bite of food. "Probably couldn't stand listening to all that moaning." Carol teases and starts imitating Nancy moaning.

Early my friend admitted that she slept with Steve, I told her I was happy for her but to be careful. I don't want Steve Harrington to break her heart. Nancy is too sweet for that. I ignore them and look around the cafeteria.

My heart almost stops. I see a familiar guy walking away from the building, hands in his jacket pockets. Ignoring the people on my table I stand up, forgetting about my tray of food and rushing outside. I need to know if it's really him.

I hear Nancy shout my name and then Tommy say "freak." I push open the doors and race outside. But it seems like I'm too slow. He isn't here. I let out a berated breath and scan the open school grounds. If he isn't here it means I'm either imagining it or he has gotten faster. He was never that fast before I left although now that I'm gone someone has to take the first spot. I guess it would be him out of everyone in our class.

Lorelei. My name echoing inside my head. Naughty, naughty Lorelei. Running away like that. You knew we would find you. I spin around crazily trying to find a glimpse of him to no avail. Where are you, you coward? I bite in my mind knowing he is still there.

He chuckles that would ruin the fun, I like tormenting you. I swallow, clutching my bag and the gun inside. Or you know I would beat you head on, your scared, you always have been. I try to sound confident, when I am instead rather scared.

I have to go. He says calmly but I will be back for you gorgeous. And then I feel him leave my head. When he does I manage to stumble to a bench before collapsing, head between my knees and my whole body shaking.

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