Chapter 23

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Billy brings me out a donut from inside the party

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Billy brings me out a donut from inside the party. "You are a life savour." I say with a smile as I bring the food up to my mouth "you seem like you could use some sugar in you." Billy says. Girls on Film is playing behind us and I spot Jonathan coming over to the house.

"Johnny!" I say leaping up "you made it." He nods awkwardly. I watch as his eyes land on the Hargrove boy "Lori?" He asks gently and I take another bite of my donut "Billy this is Jonathan. Johnny, Billy." They nod awkwardly to each other and Jonathan heads inside.

Billy let's out a breathe and looks behind to him "well, he's chatting." I snort and hit him in the chest playfully. I shake my head and finish my food "let's go back inside." Billy follows behind me closely.


Inside I hear Nancy shout "screw you!" I look over and see her and Steve arguing by the drinks again. Steve tries to stop her drinking and Billy leans close to me "wanna dance?" I sigh, dragging my eyes away from them."Sure." I say plastering a smile on my face making it seem as though I don't care. Billy smirks and we start dancing, ignoring the domestic two of my friends are currently having. Billy is respectful of the distance between us and only changes it when someone else tries to dance with me, shooting them a look to piss off.

I hear lots of people gasp, I turn my head and see red punch all down Nancy's white shirt. Steve just looks at her in shock. "What the hell?" Nancy says, slurring her words slightly before putting her cup down and walking away. I follow her into the bathroom "Nance, you alright?" I ask and she shakes her head. Steve is quick after us, stopping when he sees me trying to help Nancy get the stain out of her shirt with little success.

He gently shuts the door and I suck in a deep breath "I am gonna go." I say and try to move past Steve. Nancy grabs my arm and shakes her head "don't." She slurs slightly "stay." I pull out of her grip and grab the door handle "it's crowded in here Nance, find me when you come out."

I leave and instantly find Billy "it's not your problem sweetheart." He says lowly into my ear so only I can hear it. I sigh and lean slightly into him "I know but they are my friends." He straightens and tucks my hair behind my ear. "Let them sort out their own problems. Let us have some fun."

He takes me out the front again and we sit on the steps "you live here all your life?" Billy asks me as he lights a cigarette, I light one too. "I moved away for a couple of years for school, but technically yeah." I answer and Billy nods. We let out the smoke at the same time "why did you leave?" He asks and I lean back, staring up at the stars "I got into this super high achieving boarding school. Was supposed to be there until senior year but I gradated early." Hargrove tips his head back too.

"How comes you still go to high school here if you graduated early?" He questions and I mentally curse myself because now I have to either come up with a shitty lie or tell him the truth. I sigh, taking another drag of my cigarette "it wasn't the normal kind of school." I give him a bot of the truth, as well as a look that tell him not to press it. He doesn't.

Steve comes storming towards us looking pissed, before he can even say anything I beat him to it "let's go." Billy stays silent as I get up and walk with Steve. We link our arms together and he sighs dramatically.

"She called us bullshit." He says once we are far enough away from the party. I stop, and look up at him, keeping our arms linked "I'm sure she didn't mean it." I press gently and Steve shrugs. He turns his head down so it faces his shoes.

I take a moment to study his face, since everything with the Lab his face has grown into his features. More handsome. "What are you staring at?" He asks with laughter, I smile and push him away from me gently "someone who feels sorry for themselves."

Steve rolls his eyes "I don't feel sorry for myself." I scoff and throw my hands up in the air "oh really? So you coming over to me, you weren't pitying yourself? Or going, she called us bullshit." I mimick his voice badly and that makes him laugh gently.

"Ok but seriously." He says turning the conversation "in the bathroom she called everything bullshit. How no one is looking for Barb, me, me and her." My headache, which was going is starting to come back. "She's drunk Steve, she doesn't know what she is saying."

Steve wipes a hand over his face and looks over at me exhausted "I don't know Lori, she has been feeling really off for a while. I think she is going to end things." I groan and throw my head back casually "Jesus Steve, you are blowing this way out of proportion. You are not ending, you and Nancy have a good thing going."

He sighs and places a hand on my shoulder "thank you, Lori. I think I'm going insane." I chuckle and rest my head against his arm "I already knew that." I mutter. We hug for a few moments before I clear my throat and take out my car keys "let's get you home Harrington."

Steve slings his arm around my shoulder, I spot Billy as we reach my car and I wave at him. He smirks, letting out cigarette smoke "see you around short stuff." He calls I laugh and open the divers side door "see you around New Kid."

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