Chapter 47

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Over the next several weeks, I try to gather as much intel as possible; however, progress is slow

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Over the next several weeks, I try to gather as much intel as possible; however, progress is slow. I am trying to make sure I do not seem too obvious with my hunting for information however Headmaster knows I am a curious person so he also expects me to ask questions. It is difficult to find the balance between ignorance and challenge. I haven't found out much about the conversation I overheard on the first day of classes.

However, I have learned that Margret has unwavering loyalty to Headmaster, and I can't figure out how to get out of my way. "You look like a ball of sunshine," Micheal says sliding into a seat next to me as stab my spoon into my porridge. "Oh yeah, living the dream," I reply sarcastically and I finally take a spoonful. At the same time, I notice Margret hand the Headmaster a file and they start whispering secretively. Headmaster looks pleased and Margret smiles satisfactorily before taking a seat next to him.

I quickly finish my breakfast before standing up and announcing to my friend "I have to go prep for my next class. I'll see you later." Micheal nods and watches as I exit the dining hall. I got to the dining hall early this morning because I planned on snooping through Headmaster's office while he was eating. I would have better luck snooping now as I know where he is and he also saw me in the dining hall. Less likely to suspect anything amiss.

I reach Headmaster's office and I unlock it smoothly before slipping inside. Once in I make my way over to the desk and start filing through the contents of its draws. There is nothing of consequence until I reach the locked drawer at the top of the desk. I quickly glance at the door, using my enhance hearing to check if he is on his way back. I hear nothing so I crack open the drawer to reveal a file. Taking a deep breath I pick it up.

I can't do more than that however before the door to the office swings open revealing Headmaster. "Mrs Henderson," He says sounding surprised "what are you doing here?" I clear my throat and create a neutral facial expression, careful not to show anything on my face. "I am to give you the files you wanted," I explain smoothly, placing a file on the desk. I watch as his eyes go from the file to me slowly "ah yes." He replies "thank you." I nod and make for the door. As I reopen it the Headmaster says "oh and Lorelei?" I turn to face him and he stares down at me threateningly "don't break into my office again." I nod and slip from the room. 

At lunch, I again sit with Micheal and try to act as normal as possible although I am on edge. "I hate teaching languages." He moans dramatically as I take a bite of my roasted chicken. I swallow my mouthful before saying "you haven't had your rotation with combat training. It's painful." The way the academy works is that we each get given a different age group and within that, each semester rotate the subjects they teach. This allows for little repetition and a chance for the teachers to brush up on their skills as well.

Micheal winces "I can just imagine." I try to ignore the whispering that Margret and Headmaster are currently participating in. "Have you had a run-in with Christopher yet?" I ask casually thinking back to the boy who tried to cause drama on the first day. My friend nods his head slowly "yep, tried to get information about you from me." I roll my eyes. This whole, being famous is definitely getting old. I can't but notice how pleased Headmaster looks at something his right-hand tells him and my stomach clenches. Today is going to be a long day. 

Finally that night I sit down after having a bath and take the file I managed to swap out from Headmaster's office. I suck in a breath before I open it. I could never prepare myself for what's inside. Pictures upon pictures of children ranging in ages being tortured. My stomach does a flip as I flip through the pages. Each one is a different child, there is information like their name and age and what is happening to them. God, I feel sick. It seems as though they are trying to give a child more than one ability. Of course, none of them has survived. We barely survive receiving one gift let alone 2. The youngest seems to be only 5 years old, he died after the second dose of the injection, earlier out of everyone. 

As I flip through I realise why Headmaster was so happy at lunch. They must have figured out a way to do it. That sends a shiver down my spine and without thinking of anything else I leap up, stash the file underneath my mattress again and head for my bedroom door. I need to get that other file. 

The hallways are deserted, and the students are all asleep. It's dark but thank's to my heightened senses I can still see where I am going. Once I reach the office I realise the door is unlocked. I slowly open the door, hoping not the get caught again because I won't be able to lie my way out of it this time. I slowly close the door, careful not to make any noise however when I turn around I freeze in place. "I told you not to break into my office Miss Henderson," Headmaster says sitting at his desk, Margret standing beside him, a cocky smirk on her face. 

I swallow hard, hands starting to shake. "I knew there was something off when you came back." He says standing up and moving to my side of the desk. "When Margret said she had read your mind and was questioning your loyalty, I didn't believe it. But then of course I saw you in my office this morning, to drop off reports." He chuckles and my blood runs cold. What do I do? "It seems once a traitor, always a traitor." Headmaster muses, looking at his hands casually "but that's ok, traitors are useful for other things." 

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