Final shoutout of the week: 'On Venus and Mars'

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Interested in something a little different? Maybe something on the experimental side of the fantastical? Then my shoutout for this week is right up your alley: 'On Venus and Mars' by  tells the tale of one nobleman's family, their acquaintances, and the world they all inhabit through generations. It covers their emotional turmoil, their successes, their highs and lows and, of course, their loves.

The core of this story is in its style. While it might seem disarming at first, the use of dialogue makes this story more akin to an epic narrative a la 'The Pilgrim's Progress' – each character is introduced and developed mainly through their interactions with each other as though on a stage. There are even directions for each character's lines and actions (speaking 'angrily', 'with hesitation') that make this story read that much more like a drama. However, these sections of dialogue are interspersed with some adept descriptive writing – something the author has balanced quite well and to good effect.

The overall narrative takes us throughout the life of James Gibbs and his family, and this style helps to keep the reader engaged in the action and conversations of each character. Mainly this leads to a kind of 'slice of life' format. Each chapter could be read as a self-contained short about the entertaining or woeful antics of one or more family members in the odd and at times dangerous fantasy world this story takes place in (where Talking Storks actually do deliver babies just like your dear mom told you, but unlike she told you, you have to head out with your trusty net and catch their charges when they drop them. Truly, an example of 'Life from Above.') You'll also enjoy hearing about the quirky but somewhat wholesome traditions of the city of Tolemac (where most of the story takes place) such as the festival of Candle Day.

Don't think that all these aspects are totally separate from each other, however: there's a more sinister story brewing at their core, but I won't spoil the more intricate aspects of this narrative for you...

I had to give this shoutout because it may not be clear from the summary and starting chapter what kind of story this is – but that's because this is a piece of fantasy that takes its time to build up its characters and world. We need to see more pieces that are willing to build slow, natural relationships between characters and the world that they inhabit, and if that sounds like your thing, then join the Gibbs family and the others of Tolemac for an evening or two. 

PS: It's been a pleasure reviewing some of the highest quality work I've seen on Wattpad these past two months. Lookout for more shoutouts and reviews from me on a monthly basis from now on. I've got more planned for when I reach my next big milestone so keep an eye on this space from time to time!

As always, happy reading and writing everyone. And remember to take some time for yourself in between those precious keyboard taps or pen flourishes. 

- JS Boyd, aka TraversingtheDark

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