Book of the month (August 2022) 'The Purple Eyed Girl'

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It's fascinating to come across a work of fantasy that takes old archetypes and spins them into something new. Sometimes we as readers are guilty of making assumptions – we see 'werewolf' and 'vampire' featured in a work of fiction and assume we'll know exactly what kind of story is being spun. But there's some works of seminal ingenuity that fly in the face of these genre tropes, and really force us to reassess our bias. The Purple Eyed Girl by pienenspike is one such example.

Three isolated kingdoms exist in the fractured world this story takes place in – one vampire ruled, one werewolf dominated, and one human centric. The lycanthrope and bloodsucker societies maintain a tense peace while the human king watches over them both – intent to stop yet another conflict breaking out between them. Into this world comes the fiery eighteen year old Iola – a human girl born with purple eyes as the result of an apparent genetic mutation. She has been living her life with no knowledge of these other kingdoms populated by supernatural beings. But when the King and Queen of the human realm are murdered, she becomes wrapped up in the politics and struggles of the three kingdoms – meeting its rulers, soldiers, and the enemies seeking to eradicate them all.

The premise is an intriguing one, and I'll leave you to read the story for yourself. What I'd like to focus on is the world building – because this is no ordinary fantasy world. Iola and her father watch Indiana Jones and listen to Taylor Swift, cars exist as a means of transport, and vampires use high-tech rings that envelop them in UV shields to protect them from direct sunlight. There's an interesting mix of both supernatural fantasy and technologically advanced sci fi that makes for some really engaging scenes and reading. You actually feel compelled to learn more about this world, how its kingdoms were formed, and the various ways each species has evolved over time. As well as this, be aware that the story's tone also evolves over the course of the narrative – becoming increasingly more dark and brutal as we begin to see the lengths each society will go to to protect itself.

Whilst there's an eclectic mix of varied characters that inhabit this world, Iola, our protagonist, simply steals the show. She is a character full of life, energy, and never ending sass. The hot-bloodied vampires and werewolves she's surrounded by are pent up and intent on destroying each other and their realm, and the scenes in which she reluctantly acts as an arbitrator in their political bickering are an absolute joy to read. She confronts Kings, Generals and soldiers all with the same logical anger that we as the reader feel towards them, and as such works well as a kind of self-insert – our own pair of eyes. We explore this world both with and through Iola's perspective, and her frustrations at the macho-aggressiveness she deals with on a daily basis mirror our own. In many ways, this story reads as a criticism of the kind of toxic and destructive mentality that can arise when individuals are given power based on their aggressiveness alone, and Iola serves to strip away this kind of attitude - sometimes physically through her badass fight scenes, and (more often) verbally, through her sharp yet poignant tongue.

This story shines in its interesting mixture of worlds and various influences and ideas collide in ways you've really never seen before. Check it out if you're a fan of fantasy that isn't afraid to experiment with supernatural beings, technology, and one hell of a badass female lead. 

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