250 followers milestone: Wattblitz

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Hey readers! Thank you all for a whopping 250 followers on Wattpad. I've loved every moment of getting to hear your thoughts on Callisto as well as reading your own stellar works. Special thanks are also due to everyone who has joined The Darklands discord and gotten involved in our activities in the last month. Its turned out to be a great supportive space for writers of both Dark Fantasy and Sci-Fi.

For this milestone I have a special dedication to those who have followed Callisto from the start and continue to give me valuable feedback and thoughts with each new chapter update. To each of the following people, I'm initiating my 'Wattblitz' (if the term already exists, sue me).

What is Wattblitz? For the month of August, I'm committing to FINISHING my reading of your stories, and providing feedback as I go (If your book isn't finished, I'll read up to your latest chapter). It's the least I can do to thank you for the consistent support you folk in particular have given me.

The following people will be the targets of this August Wattblitz:







You've all been an incredible support to me and my writing pretty much from the beginning and so I'm going to make your books my priority for this month. Prepare yourself to see me popping up more often! These aren't the only books I'll be reading this month, but they're the ones that I'll 100% be finishing. 

To everyone who has been enjoying Callisto, thanks again from the bottom of my heart. I can't wait to continue my writing journey with you all.

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