New Rooms

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Hades gave his imps some orders while he sat with Alona in the living room. She showed him more rooms and Hades was a really fast learner so for hours he learned what all these new modern things are. Hades invented a lot of similar stuff in the underworld. The tv was a lot like his Tartarus vision which he did call TV but the remote had more buttons than his remote. He won't use the oven or microwave since he has enough heat himself to do it.

Hades still didn't know what a lot of the stuff was but he surprisingly knew how to work a coffee machine just fine. Hades let her have a few sips of his coffee now and then as he told Alona his story about how his siblings betrayed him after they all won the war against their father. How his brother turned some of his family against him and sent him to rule the worst place. Alona listened even though she didn't understand most of his words but he didn't blame her for that.

After he was finished telling her he asked Alona to tell him what happened to her. She didn't understand most things just told him what she observed but Hades was able to fill in the blanks.

Alona's mom had a severe case of OCD so they didn't need a maid or butler or workers cause the mom kept everything spotless. Probably why she wouldn't let this kid have any toys. The mom was a failed model so she forced her dreams of fame onto her daughter.

The dad was already a wealthy doctor so he started out with a lot of money but when his daughter got famous he took early retirement and use his talent to make his daughter picture-perfect.

The uncle was a dentist who agreed to make false teeth for Alona if he became her manager so he set up the photo shoots and sent the albums to record companies to sell. As long as Alona's songs were still selling they got all the money and would make her do a new song at least once a year to get more money and raise the price.

Hades never feels sorry for anyone, this was his first. She was so young yet the people who were supposed to love and protect her turned her into a plastic doll. He wondered what she looked like before her dad did his surgeries on her. He bet she was cute, she didn't cry as she talked about her family so that's how he knows she's glad they're gone. It was self-defense so she's ok in his mind.

Hades watched the TV with her and looked at the time hopefully his minions are doing their job and not screwing around.

Pain and Panic have been looking at so many of the bedrooms they could find, but none of them was really for kids.

"There's like a hundred bedrooms in this place and she still had to sleep on the floor? How are we supposed to make a bedroom for a kid that's never slept in a bed?" Pain asked.

Panic was running around the room freaking out. "Oh man, what color do we use? How do we know if we're doing it right? What if she falls off?"

Pain slapped Panic across the face. "Snap out of it man, we gotta think."

"But we just met the kid, we don't know a thing about her other than she's been mistreated by her family. She's never been outside, how are we supposed to know what she likes?"

"Hey, anything is better than the one she has now." Pain said as he looked in another room. "With the way these people treated her they make Hades look like a saint."

Panic looked around in another bedroom. "None of these will do." Pain shook his head. "The beds are too high, there's dangerous stuff in them or there are horrifying things in the closets."

"Geez, one bra falls on your head and you act like there are monsters in the closet." Pain said as he closed the door and looked in another room. "Hey, what about this one?"

Panic looked around and tapped his chin in thought as he looked around. "Mhmm mhmm." Panic nodded as he eyed the room. "This could work."

When the movie was over Hades stretched and looked over to see Alona was rubbing her eyes. "Come on kid, let's hit the sack."

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