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It doesn't matter if you are a goddess, things don't always go your way. For centuries, Persephone watched her husband having demigods and consequently cheating on her, but she felt no attraction to any mortal to do the same. Of course, Hades loved his wife blindly and was one of the gods that had the least demigods in history, but he still had them. This is the story of how Persephone managed to have her one and only demigod  child, but let's start at the beginning. 

In London, Sirius and Remus were a couple and wizards. They had long conversations about becoming parents, but one of them was a werewolf and the laws of their people were very unfair to him. Aphrodite, touched by their love, told Demeter and the two goddesses saw that the couple deserved a child and that she would be very well taken care of.

Demeter, knowing that her daughter wanted to be the mother of a demigod, went down to the Underworld to talk to her and her husband. It wasn't hard to convince them, after all, Persephone wouldn't need to have sex with one of the men to have the baby, and neither Sirius nor Remus were interested in the opposite gender.

The hard part was convincing Sirius Black and Remus Lupine what they were talking about, but Sirius came from an ancient family that had already had many encounters with demigods, so he believed what the gods said and was completely honored. Remus was afraid of passing on his gene, as much as both goddesses claimed it was okay, Sirius was chosen as the "biological father" and Persephone would be the mother. 

For the godparents it was obvious: James and Aphrodite, who gave her godchild blessings, whoever looked from afar would think that the beautiful golden-haired child was the daughter of the goddess of beauty. 

When Persephone gave birth to a girl, all the gods present felt their smiles tremble. Millennia ago, one of Apollo's oracles had prophesied that the demigoddess daughter of spring would be the soulmate of the king of the seas and little Carina in her mother's arms seemed to be the right person for that destiny.

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