scene 12

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As much as it seems things have become too soon or too much.

The blood on the garage floor or the blood in the living room. Everything happened too soon and too wrong. What went wrong? Was it the crazy far out plan? Did you 3 not plan it out right?

"Billy, please!" I cry and pull at his bloodied shirt. Sidney prescott and her friends did this to you, billy. "Please come back to me!" I shout. "He's a monster y/n" sidney says. "A monster I LOVED!" I shout back. Maybe I was stupid and I thought that he loved me, no I felt his love. I knew he loved me, but why did he go through this? Now he's gone forever...

The the house was filled with policemen who didn't deserve a damn badge. The red and blue light did not calm my nerves and anger, especially not when they pulled me away from my billy. Fucking sidney did this and I was not going to let her win this time. She wasn't going to live her life happily when I was still alive. I was going to finish what Billy and stu finished. Watch out sidney Prescott I'm coming for you soon enough.

I hate you Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, and Dewey Riley.

Anger consumes ones body until they're left shaking with a knife in their hand. You could forever haunt my mind but billy, you led me. You showed me your ways. I became what sidney feared the most, just 26 years later.

Sam loomis was my child. She was the little bit of you I had left, she tells me she see's you. That means I can get you back right? Oh my sweet billy, I miss you more than anything. I'm going to get you back someday.

Something about Sidney Prescott is married and has kids makes me jealous, I wanted that with you. But no, I'm here sharpening a hunting knife and putting on this costume. The pale white face, and the black robes. It always brings back good memories for me. "Ready to go sam?" I ask and she nods slipping on her mask.

She's just like you billy, she has that stare and anger like you. She even swings her knife like you. She wants her dad here alive. Oh and you will be. I've been reading all of the books to do so.

We'll kill each of her friends until she's the last one and then sidney will be gone and we can live our happy life as a happy family together. It'll be perfect, first stop gale weathers house...


"You're fucking crazy!" Sidney shouts and I take my mask off. "Come on I'm a mother like you! Imagine what it'll become like for my kids!" She pleads as sam takes off her own mask. "Imagine what it's like to watch the woman who killed your dad live a happy perfect life!" Sam hissed and I smirk and back sidney up in a corner.

"That was over 20 years ago!" Sidney shouts. "I know" I smile. "Imagine how long I've been planning to see your insides on the outside" I smirk and traced her jaw with my hunting knife as sam stabbed her thigh and sidney hissed in pain. "You sick fucks!" Sidney shouts and tried to get away, but we have her cornered either way. "Before billy took your virginity, he took mines... he told me that then he could imagine me while he fucked you!" I smile. "I guess that's when sam was made" I smile and pecks Sam's cheek.

"You took the love of my life away from me, so I'll finish his job and get him back" I smile. "Get out of this shitty town and live a happily ever after" sam smiles. "And you? You'll die with your guts for show, I was never your friend and I never will" I say and look at sidney with angrily eyes.

This will solve everything right?

"I hope you burn in hell" sidney hissed and she stabbed me in the leg but I guess sam got it covered when she pushed sidney to the floor. "Remember sidney you're still fucking old like me" I chuckles and get back up and leaned on the marble counter. I watched sam and sidney fight and right before sidney could kill sam another masked ghostface stabbed sidney in the back... who are they? They slid the knife through her spine, killing her finally.

They look at me and walk towards me, "hi y/n" their voice changer says as I look at them. "Sam looks from behind confused. "Who are you?" I ask and grabbed the knife from the kitchen counter. "Who are you!" I shout as they disarm me from my knife and weirdly enough they lift their mask to show their mouth and kissed me softly and passionate.

The kiss was familiar as if I kissed those lips before but he was gone, wasn't he? He couldn't be here kissing me like this. No way he was right here, right now. Impossible. My hands touch his chest and held him close, bo fucking way this was happening. Am I imagining this or is this real or is this person joking with me and isn't him at all. Or is this an admirer? Please be the first one.

"Its me" he whispers as he slid the mask off...



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