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                                  09:00 pm.

"Yes mom, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? How long are you gonna stay in Sendai anyway?"

"I'll see, I'm fine now that's all that matters."

"Okay, stay safe."

And with that she hung up. Without a goodbye. My mother and I were never really close. We got on fine as a mother-daughter but nothing more, possibly something less. We only ever exchanged a few words a day and only if necessary. No small talk, never. It felt as though it were a work relationship, nothing ever indicated that we were blood related.

Walking through the dimly lit ally that was not the one that led home, I was thinking about the guy in the cafe. Was I too harsh on him?

I didn't take much time to forget about him again, I simply couldn't care less. When I was younger I used to help out a lot, and there came in many different people, polite and not so much. Most came again, but some also never returned for me to remember their facial features. If he was one of those people, why should I think about our encounter anyways?

The street was very narrow. If I was walking with someone by my side, the only way we would have walked together is if our shoulders were brushing against one another.

Walking, I looked up at the little windows that faced one another, not giving any of the tenants  the best of views. I never wanted to live in such a place, it was simply suffocating. I never needed a large space tho, just one where I wouldn't have to worry that someone would see me taking a bath. Yikes.

Not realizing it, the windows slowly started to disappear behind me and I was left with just two high walls on each side. Leaning gently against one, I shuffled through my bag, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. I stole them from my dad a long time ago, and hadn't smoked any in months. I wasn't addicted, who do you take me for? It was something like a coping mechanism. Once in a while, when things were really bad, it didn't hurt to smoke one. We're all gonna die anyway so might as well enjoy the time we have on this earth.

Just as I was about to light it, someone gently took it from my mouth and put it back into the  half empty box. Startled at the presence of an unknown person by my side, I jumped up from
the wall and further into the dark corridor.

"Isn't underaged smoking illegal?"

It was him.

"Did you follow me here?!"

"Nah, my house is near here and this is usually the path I take."

"You're sick. What if you kidnap me or something, huh?!"

He had an annoying smirk plastered on his face, the one where if you don't want to laugh, you just smirk.

"Me? Kidnap you? Please, why would I kidnap a girl I barely know when so many are running after me already?"

"Drop the attitude."

With that I turned around and started walking away from him, not looking back once, until I heard him speak again.

"Turn around, there's a dead end there."

I turned around to him leaning on the wall with his shoulder, arms crossed in front of his chest, making the t-shirt he was wearing wrinkly under his arms.

"Didn't you say you take this path home?"

"I did, my house is right there." He pointed at a door behind him, where the light was still shining through one of the windows, although muffled greatly by the curtains.

bloom, my boy, bloom.                Yuzuru hanyu x fem. ocWhere stories live. Discover now