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Yuzuru's POV.

It's been about two weeks since I last saw Mika. One night I was waking down the same road I somehow always found myself on, right where the little cafe is located, but I didn't have to guts to go in. That night when we parted ways, I felt almost guilty for not leaving the house and letting her sleep in peace. I ate her food, I slept in her bed (half of the night, but still), used her phone. Her, her, her.

But today was a day where I couldn't let her get into my head. At whatever cost it takes, I will block out any memory of her existence. It might sound selfish but I know it's for the best. Because the last competition of the season is coming up I was allowed to take the finals a few weeks earlier to focus completely on my training, and that is exactly what I am planning to do these following weeks.

Today was the day of my finals. Of course, I couldn't take everything in just one day, so everything was spread out over the course of a couple of days. This particular day was English and maths. I wasn't bad at maths, English is the problem. Iv always despised the language. Everything about it is absolutely useless. Hard grammar, completely different alphabet. Why would I waste my time on such when you have Japanese? But than again, you never know what life throws your way.

Making my way towards the school, I kept looking around to every building and tree, dreading the moment to actually step foot into that horrid building. It was a windy morning yet still sunny as if telling everyone not to forget it's already June. I couldn't wait to get over and done with with everything. The season, school, early mornings. Just let myself roam free. Free of any responsibilities and stress surrounding my little "career". I was glad to be making a name for myself at such a young age, but with everything came it's downsides.

Finally reaching my school, I came in through the open doors, changed my shoes and made my way over to the classroom where we were supposed to take that test.

My gaze fell onto my teacher, Mr. Yuko, who was grading some papers, I'm guessing the tests of some previous students. I sat down two desks behind some girl, who was too focused on her work to ever acknowledge my existence.

"Yuzuru, great to see you, here is your paper. You have 90 minutes, once completed, please leave the paper on my desk."

"Thank you, Mr. Yuko."

Good luck to me.

*・゜゚・*:....:*'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Great, the worst is all behind. As much as I care for skating, school is also very high up on my priority chart, considering that as much as I would like to think skating will last forever for me that is simply not true. Having a good education brings me a second chance for a career, but who knows what will happen in the future.

The wind has died down a little now, and the sun was burning me alive. I would go and get something to drink but the only thing on my mind right now is going back home and to the rink afterwards to practice my short for the upcoming competition.

I was just about to turn the corner when someone called out my name. Turning around I found Suki coming towards me in a very rushed manner. It's great to run into a training mate, but I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that it wasn't another particular individual calling out my name.

"Hey Suki, I didn't think to run into you here. What's up?" The girl really seemed out of it, all fidgety and stuff. I wonder what's on her mind.

"Hi, Yuzuru-san. I though you saw me at school just now? We were in the same classroom?"

So that was Suki.

"Ah, right, sorry that was you. You seemed very into whatever you were writing and didn't even look up, though it was just some girl from my class. Sorry again..

by the way, don't you go to another school? Why were you there?"

" Mr. Yuko is my English tutor and asked me to come in tonight for a false copy of my exam as training."

"I see.." this conversation was turning awkward very quickly so it's best I go right about now.

But before I could even open my mouth to say anything she continued on.

"Would you like to grab lunch?. Maybe today? If you don't have training of course.." She blurted everything out with phenomenal speed. Iv seen her on ice many times and she's quite skilled with keeping up with the pace of a complicated routine but I never knew she could do such with words.

"Yeah, sure i don't mind. How about me meet at 1:30 at the 7/11? Sorry, can't really take you anywhere nice, a little broke right now, heh." I was not broke. I am saving money for new gloves. Gloves over girls. (AN: the author is very much attracted to girls, so the last sentence is a lie.)

"Don't worry it's fine, I'm not doing very good financially myself. See ya then!"

Suki really knew how to light up a room. She's somewhat like a star, the light in the endless darkness, and that's why people were drawn to her, like moths. Maybe this is a good opportunity for me to fall for her light too?

We parted ways, I'm sure all she could think about was our encounter, but the only person occupying me lying was Mika. I should apologize for the time I spent the night.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Our lunch went well. We talked. Mostly about skating since it was one of the only things that we had in common. She was just so outgoing and passionate and lively. Maybe in a way that's what pushed me away? But shouldn't it draw me to her instead?

"It was a great pleasure to spend time with you Suki. Thank you."

"No need to be so formal. I also had fun." She was looking down at her feel, mesmerized by the pink shoelaces on her tennis shoes.

And then.

The kiss.

She quickly straightened out and kissed me on the lips. Not a peck!

"I hope to see you around Hanyu-San. I have to go!" And she left me standing there watching her go. What I strange meal.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

That night I lay in bed thinking about the day that's as already behind me. The events that took place while the sun was still out. I should talk to Suki.

I should talk to Mika. I should and I will. How did I even have the guts to compare Suki to a star just like a did that night with Mika.

I will apologize and explain myself. To the both of them.


I am alive. *slow clapping* yay! For the past few months I had a lot on my mind, a lot to do and a lot of stuff to process regarding my person life, and I am sorry for being away. Let's welcome our new character into the story- Suki. Do not make her feel welcome.

Hope you enjoyed this monstrosity of a chapter.

bloom, my boy, bloom.                Yuzuru hanyu x fem. ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora