#5 (part 2 to the previous chapter)

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(An- I hate the start of this chapter but please read until the end, you won't regret it!)

Turning the all to familiar corner, we were both met with the sight of our destination.

I parked my bike right outside an open window, where to my luck Kohana was sitting and staring right at us. Trying to ignore her to the best of my abilities, I turned my head to Yuzuru who wasted no time to get off of the vehicle.  I followed right behind him just after handing him the black sports bag, which me accepted with a quick "thank you".

"Who is this young man? Did Mika really get a boyfriend?!"

I turned back around and met the gaze of this young woman, staring at me with such intensity I thought she might drill a hole in my head. And then Yuzuru caught my attention with his obnoxiously obvious fake cough.

"I set my priorities straight and this-" I pointed to Yuzuru without turning my head to face him. "- is not one of my priorities."

"Who are you calling "this"?!"

"You obviously."

In a split second Kohana was already outside dragging the poor boy into the building, leaving me to lock up my bike and join them. Just as I came in, it felt as though Yuzuru was a wanted criminal who was questioned by a police officer, the officer in this case being Kohana. I knew I had to save his ass since she isn't about to end this little interrogation session any time soon.

"Yuzuru should I show you around the back? Maybe gran will be there."

I looked down at this boy sitting as still as ever, as if glued to the damn chair. He looked up and gave me the most hopeful look I have ever seen.


And with that, he got up as if the glue never actually existed (which it really didn't), shooting Kohana a polite sorry and following me like a lost puppy to the back.

Just as I was about to lay out all of my stuff, Yuzuru burst into the room through the door, startling me for the second time in 15 minutes.

"Please, Mika, never leave me with that woman ever again unsupervised. Just one more conversation of that type and it will be the end of me." 

With a chuckle I said: "They won't stop until she gets used to you. Just nod and smile along, she'll leave you alone sooner or later."

Turning to look at him it was as if his jaw dropped right to the floor.

"Sooner or later?! I need her to leave me alone as fast as humanly possible!"

Walking up to him, I put both my hands on Yuzuru's shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. "Im afraid that is not possible. How about some milk tea to cheer you up?"

"You remembered?"

"You are absolutely unforgettable, Yuzu."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

8:32 pm.

Kohana, Yuzuru and I were all sitting at a round table playing a few rounds of cards.

"What is up with me loosing today?!" I exclaimed, dramatically throwing my cards on the table. I was really fed up with being the loser today. First grandma and now this? Absolutely unfair.

bloom, my boy, bloom.                Yuzuru hanyu x fem. ocWhere stories live. Discover now