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The trip to Eddie's trailer was quick. Talia quietly singing along to the music Eddie had blaring over the radio, not knowing the names of the songs but having heard them enough to know the lyrics.

Eddie's right hand rested on the girls thigh, Talia ignoring the butterflies she got in her stomach because of it. The boy also kept sneaking glances at her, hiding small smiles at her singing. He had been surprised the first time he caught her singing along to his music. Eddie had fully believed that Talia hated just about everything about him, at least he did before they started meeting up late at night and hooking up.

As Eddie turned into the trailer park, Talia had caught the smile on his face as he glanced over. "Stop that," she said, turning her body in her seat to face him.

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything."

"Stop looking at me like that. Like you like me or some shit," Talia felt uncomfortable all of the sudden.

If it weren't for the music still playing, Eddie thought Talia would have for sure heard his heartbeat racing in his chest. He instinctively held his breath for a moment, a rosy sheen covering his face as he stuttered, "What?"

Talia laughed loudly, trying to cover up the panic she felt. She scrambled to find a reply, silently thanking the universe as Eddie pulled up to his trailer and killed the engine before it became too obvious she was at a loss for words. Ignoring his unanswered question and the awkwardness that hung in the air, she threw open the passenger side door and hurriedly got out of the car.

By the time Eddie had processed what just happened and moved to open his own door, Talia was already throwing his welcome mat to the side and sliding the spare key into the lock. She dropped the key back down and pulled the mat over it again, glancing back at Eddie once she had fully stood up again.

The older boy was only just getting out of the van, his movements slow and a thoughtful expression still on his face. Talia grimaced, cursing herself for her comment in the car.

"Hurry up, Eddie," she complained, "we literally could of had a bowl packed already." At this, Eddie hurried his movements. Weed was the first thing that brought the two together, and there was not one time that they hadn't smoked while together.

Talia had just pushed open the door when Eddie reached the stairs leading up to the trailer. She glanced back, her eyes meeting his for a moment before flickering over their surroundings. She knew for a fact that no one would see them on her street, but she had no clue if any other students at Hawkins lived in the trailer park.

Eddie pulled the door closed behind him, locking it and following after the girl to his room. She was already sat on his bed, his clear bong set on the floor by her feet and his rolling tray in her lap. He kicked off his shoes and pulled his jacket off, hanging it on a hook behind his door.

"You find the lighter?" He asked, knowing that the girl usually never could find it herself.

Without looking up from her task—shoving bud into his grinder—she replied, "No, you never keep it in the same place so I can never find it."

Eddie rolled his eyes at her thinly veiled whining, walking over and slightly leaning over her to grab the hot pink lighter that was tucked slightly under his pillow. He shoved the lighter into her line of vision, a teasing grin on his face as her hands paused mid-twist and she set the grinder down. He yanked the lighter out of her reach when she went to grab it, the girl looking up at him with a small frown.

"Maybe if you actually looked for it, you would find that it is almost always in the same place." His hand slightly dropped lower, Talia wasting no time to yank it from his grip and shove it under her thigh to not lose track of it. He took a seat on the floor in front of her, leaning back on his hands and cocking his head at her.

"But why would I waste time looking for it, if I know you'll always get it for me?"

"The whole reason I have a hot pink lighter is because you complained that my black one was too hard to find. Do you know how much I get teased by the guys because of that? You could at least try and find it sometimes."

It was true, Eddie had thrown his black lighter into a random drawer and gone to the gas station to buy a hot pink lighter the day after Talia complained about it. They hadn't been hooking up for long when that happened, yet Talia had an unwarranted amount of control over Eddie—even after only a week and a half.

It had almost warmed her cold heart when she returned a few days later and was presented with the new lighter, but any warmth she felt turned to ice when memories of Billy flooded her mind. She had done the same thing to him—complain about his white lighter—and he had simply cut her off mid sentence, grabbed his car keys and left. When he returned fifteen minutes later, Billy had thrown a baby blue lighter in her direction.

"Whatever, Munson," Talia rolled her eyes, finally dumping out the weed from her grinder and pushing it together to form a small mound. Without needing direction, Eddie had grabbed the bowl from the bong and held it up for her to grab. She quickly packed the bowl, pressing the weed down with the bottom of the lighter to flatten it out before passing it back to Eddie. He placed it back into its rightful spot, grabbing the neck of the bong with his right hand while his left slid under Talia's thigh and retrieved the lighter.

The rolling tray was then returned to its original spot and Talia slid down onto the floor in front of Eddie, pulling her knees to her chest as she watched him hit the bong. He then passed it to her, exhaling the smoke that filled his lungs.

The girl quickly took a hit, setting the bong down to the side instead of passing it to Eddie, and moved to straddle his lap. Her hand grabbed his chin and pulled his face up to hers, her lips hovering over his. Instinctively his mouth opened, inhaling the smoke that pooled from Talia's mouth as she exhaled. His hands gravitated to her waist, clutching to her desperately and pulling her closer as he exhaled once more and then needily pressed his lips to hers.

Talia eventually pulled away and trailed her lips across his jaw, making her way to his ear, "I think, that we should play with those tonight." She pulled her face back, a wicked grin on her face as she looked past him and focused her eyes on a glint of silver.


I can't decide if I should include smut in this or not, so for now all we get is cliffhangers.

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