the beginning

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I have been absolutely swamped lately because of moving back to school and having to prepare for it. I'm at school now and hopefully will have time to finish the book soon!

As an apology, here is the start of Teddie!
(Please ignore any mistakes I was high asf the every time I worked on this)



Eddie Munson was not sure what he expected to come from Jason Carver demanding he supply for his Halloween party—but it definitely was not this. No part of him had ever expected for Talia Wheeler to be storming towards him with clear determination in her pretty brown eyes.

He had been leaning against the wall when she first caught sight of him, looking out of place amongst some of the most popular people at Hawkins High. Talia was confused at first—she knew just how much Jason hated the boy—but after watching a boy from the basketball team approach Eddie and discreetly exchange something with him, she knew exactly why the Munson boy was there.

It wasn't until Chrissy Cunningham ditched Talia for her boyfriend that the Wheeler girl finally made her approach. Her usual dealer, a man known as Reefer Rick, had been MIA for weeks, and Talia's stash had completely diminished. Eddie Munson was one of the only people Talia knew for a fact sold weed.

"Munson," she said loudly, head held high as she approached the older male. Eddie felt his stomach turn with nerves as his crush spoke to him.

Feigning calmness, Eddie rose a brow, "Wheeler." The girl had pressed her side to the wall, just inches away from where Eddie leant against it. She craned her neck up to look him in the eyes, a lazy grin on her lips. She had already had a few drinks and was definitely tipsy.

"Little birdy told me that you're selling," Talia mused, resting her temple against the wall. Eddie nodded slightly, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he tried to hide just how nervous she made him.


"How much, pretty boy?" She teased, widening her eyes slightly and fluttering her lashes. Talia Wheeler was on a mission—get as much weed as possible for as least as possible. She was pretty and she knew it. She also knew that she could use her looks to get what she wanted.

Eddie flushed, eyes briefly flickering away and glancing over the other teens at the party. He returned his attention to the girl in front of him, clearing his throat and slipping on a faux confident grin. He knew what she was doing.

"For you? Twenty for an ounce." Just because he knew what Talia was doing doesn't mean that it wasn't working.

Eddie felt his heart beat faster as a triumphant grin settled on Talia's lips. She raised her brows slightly, mocking surprise before saying, "That's a steal, Munson. What's the catch?"

"I don't have it on me, so you'll have to come to mine to get it."


"That's all," Eddie said, leaning in closer so that Talia could hear him as the song blasting through the house got louder. She silently contemplated it before nodding her head slightly, eyes leaving his to glance around the room.

"Stay here," she instructed once she found who she was looking for, not waiting for a response before she slipped away and made her way through the crowd of teens towards Chrissy.

The blonde cheerleader was talking to another girl on the squad, a brunette who Talia slightly recognized. Chrissy glanced up as the Wheeler girl approached, grinning up at her with a glossy sheen in her eyes.

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