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When Talia woke up the next morning to Eddie's alarm clock blaring, her hands were still handcuffed in front of her. The longer chain that had once connected them to Eddie's bed had been taken off the night before, and there was a dull pain in both her wrists.

Groaning, Talia halfheartedly rubbed at her eyes that were still bleary from the weed she had smoked. She pushed herself up, letting Eddie's arm that had been thrown around her slide off.

"Eddie," she grunted, bringing her hands to his face and poking his cheek. He barely flinched, just a slight scrunch of his nose as he tried to shove his face further into his pillow. "Eddie," her voice came out sharper, his alarm clock still beeping in the background, "wake up, Eddie!"

Still, said boy barely reacted. Growing even more annoyed, Talia snatched the pillow from under his head and whacked him in the face with it. He shot up with a gasp, eyes wide as he frantically took in his surroundings.

Eddie wasn't sure what he had expected to see after being startled awake, but it definitely was not Talia glaring down at him still naked and her hands still handcuffed together. Eddie blinked slowly, fully taking in the sight before wincing as Talia threw the pillow and whacked him in the face with it again.

"Why didn't you take them off?" She complained, throwing her connected wrists around, "they fucking hurt, dude."

"Shit, sorry, Lia. I must of fallen asleep," Eddie apologized, knowing he had told the girl last night that he would remove them for her. He got up from the bed, stretching slightly before grabbing the keys from their place on the wall. He quickly returned to the girl, kneeling in front of her and unlocking the cuffs.

Talia let them fall from her wrist and slide into her lap, slowly rubbing her wrists as she glared up at her hookup. "You can remember to put on pants," she said, her eyes moving from his face to the pair of red checkered pajama pants he had put on at some point, "but can't remember to unchain the girl in your bed? No wonder you've failed twice already, dumbass."

Eddie rolled his eyes and turned away from her, mocking her under his breath as he started collecting her clothes from his floor. It wasn't hard to do, considering the bright colors of her clothes stood out against the otherwise mostly black clothing scattered on his floor.

Once Eddie had returned all of Talia's clothes to her, he had quickly found an outfit while she dressed herself.

"Alright, got everything? We gotta go or we're going to be late," Eddie asked, snatching his bag from the floor next to his bed.

Talia muttered a small, "Yes," as she stood up from tying her shoes and grabbed her keys. She then followed him out of his room and through the trailer, waiting at the bottom of the steps for Eddie to lock the trailer behind him and then following a few steps after him to the van.

The pair silently got into the van, Eddie's backpack thrown recklessly behind them. Eddie threw the van in reverse, slinging his arm behind the passenger seat and turning to look behind him as he reversed. Talia unconsciously tensed in her seat, keeping her face blank as nerves overtook her stomach.

She silently willed them to go away, reaching over to turn his music on.

"Not this one," Eddie said, scrunching up his face as he skipped it.

"Hey, I liked that one."

"Oh yeah? Who's it by? Or, better yet, what's it called?"

Talia turned her head and narrowed her eyes at him, not being able to hide the smile on her lips no matter how hard she tried, "I hate you, so much."

A grin settled on Eddie's face and he glanced at her before turning his attention back to the road, "I hate you too, Wheeler."


After Eddie had dropped Talia off at her house, Talia had thrown herself down on her bed and decided to take a nap instead of going to school. She had slept for a few hours before she was awoken by her phone ringing.

It had been Chrissy calling, an odd tone in her voice as she whispered over the line and asked Talia if she had a dealer. Talia was bewildered, but begrudgingly gave up her current dealer—Eddie Munson. Talia had never known Chrissy as someone to do drugs, not even weed. The girl was about as pure as one could be and had made many declarations of never smoking weed.

Pushing the call from her mind, Talia had gone about the rest of her day. She had made a snack and then settled into her couch, watching reruns on the television until her parents got home from work. Her mom had given her a small lecture on skipping school but ultimately let it go, giving the school a call and leaving a message to cover for her daughter.

Later at night, when Talia had been preparing for bed, she noticed that a very particular necklace had been missing from her jewelry box. The necklace was a silver heart shaped locket, given to her by Billy for her last birthday.

Panicking, Talia rummaged around her desk, desperately trying to find the silver locket. She almost never took it off, only to shower and if she knew she was going to hookup with someone—the first time she had tried, she had actually panicked so bad after that she threw up. Talia had always left it in the same exact place too, which is why she was so panicked about it being gone.

After spending two hours ransacking her room and any other place she might of left the necklace that she could think of, Talia had pulled herself into a ball on her bed and sobbed.


When Eddie had returned to his trailer an hour after his campaign ended with Chrissy trailing after him, he had not expected for his phone to start ringing as he locked the door behind them. He cast a quick glance at the blonde cheerleader and muttered a small apology, moving to answer the phone.

"Eddie? It's me, I-," Talia was cut off before she could finish.

"Hey, look, now is really not the best time. I have, uh," he snuck a glance at the girl awkwardly standing in his living room, trying desperately to look as if she was uninterested in his conversation, "company, right now."

On the other end of the line, Talia's breath hitched and she felt a hot flash of jealousy strike her. What had he meant by company?

"Oh, sorry," she apologized hurriedly, already feeling more tears burn in her eyes as the circumstances overwhelmed her, "I was just wondering if you had seen my necklace, at all? It's, um, silver and heart shaped."

"I just got home, I can look tomorrow and call you though?" Eddie said, rushing his words slightly, "Sorry, I just really don't have time for this right now."

His words were mean, and Talia felt them strike her in her heart. A quieter female voice echoed through the phone, an unrecognizable tone that softly asked if everything was fine. Then Eddie's voice again, "Yeah, it's all good, I'll just be a second."

"Oh, okay. It's really important, so if you could just let me know, when you look?" She felt pathetic—begging a boy to give her just a bit of attention.

"Yeah, for sure." The line went dead, and Talia could no longer hold back her tears.

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