Chapter Three: Where Am I?

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Author's Note: Boy, is it HOT on my side of the world! Hope you guys don't have it as bad as I do!

Disclaimer: I own nothing!(Why do we have to do disclaimers? I mean, everyone knows who own Fairy Tail!)

Chapter Three:

Where am I?


Lucy was too stunned to say anything as Aleris chatted with her sisters, introducing her to each one of them. The Labyrinth? It's actually real? The question kept bouncing around in her head until Aleris got her attention.

"Lucy, I would like you to meet my older sisters Adora and Amara," Aleris said, pointing to the dark-skinned woman first and the pale woman second.

The eldest, Adora, said with a little bow, "Welcome, Lucy Heartfilia. I hope my sister," Adora said while pointedly staring at Aleris, "Didn't cause you and your male companion any troubles."

Lucy could feel the tension between the eldest and the youngest as they had a heated staring contest. Always the one to intervene, the middle sister started to try and calm both down.

"Now, now, Adora, I think Aleris did what she thought was right," Amara said as Aleris stood tall with a triumphant grin, "But she also did it without our consent, which means she's still wrong for what she did," she finished as Adora stood with a triumphant grin and Aleris what staring open-mouthed at her sister.

Lucy shrunk into a corner as another argument between Adora and Aleris began. How am I going to get myself out of this? She wondered. Amara noticed Lucy sitting in the corner and beckoned her over to where she was.

"Do you know the story of the first four mages?" Amara asked the young celestial mage. Lucy shook her head yes.

"That's the story of Archimedes and his lover, right? It's the one where she rejects his love and he becomes a dark mage and tries to kill her lover, but his sisters stop him and lock him away in their house, turning it into... the... Labyrinth!" Lucy responded as realization hit her.

Amara nodded her head and said, "Do you remember the names of his sisters?"

Lucy tilted her head to the side and said, "Ummm... Uhhh... Hmmm... Oh I remember now! They were Adora, Amara, and Aleris!"

Amara stared at her and waited for her to put it all together. It took Lucy a few minutes but she finally figured it out.

"Wait, are you saying that I might be the reincarnation of Archimedes' lover?" Lucy exclaimed.

"Yes, you are. But that's not the reason we brought you down here. There is a hidden side to our story. We could not defeat Archimedes on our own, since his dark magic would possess any magic we used against him. There was only one type of magic that could be used against him, though. It was the foreign magic known as celestial magic. His lover heard of what was happening, and using her magic, she was able to defeat him. Then we locked him away, knowing that when he gained consciousness, he would try again. The problem with that, though, was that he did not gain consciousness until centuries later, or now. We sent out duplicates of ourselves to see if we could find an ancestor of Lucinda, and we happened to find you and your male companion. We lured you here, and tried to open the door, but forgot it could only be opened by love, which you did on your own. Then all we had to do was guide you here. Now that you know the story, you have to go and destroy Archimedes for good," Amara said as she pushed Lucy out the door. "Here, take these. You'll need them." Amara handed Lucy two golden keys.

"It's Pisces and Libra! Now I have all the gate keys!" Lucy squealed in delight.

"You need to summon all twelve of the Zodiac keys at the same time to destroy him. Lucinda only summoned six, which put him into a deep slumber. Good luck, Lucy!" Amara said as she pushed Lucy into the dark tunnels of the Labyrinth.

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